Saturday, 15 July 2017

Kamehame Trading System

Manga Pokmon Adventures Dan ini hanya protagonis. Catatan Atas: Kuning 2 baris lr: Biru, Merah, Hijau Baris ke 3 lr: Y, X, Blake, Hitam, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald 4th row lr: Whitley, White 5th row lr: Silver, Gold, Crystal 6th row lr: Berlian, Platinum, Mutiara. Tidak terbayang: Sun and Moon Pokeacutemon Adventures (dikenal sebagai Pokeacutemon Special di Jepang) adalah adaptasi manga dari seri game Pokmon. Ini mengikuti petualangan Dex Holders 8212 karakter yang sebagian besar dimodelkan dari permainan Karakter Pemain dan Rival s 8212 saat mereka bekerja menuju berbagai impian mereka dan melawan Tim jahat yang berusaha memenuhi tujuan jahat mereka sendiri. Serial manga ini ditulis oleh Hidenori Kusaka. Ini diilustrasikan oleh Mato untuk 9 jilid pertama, dan sejak volume 10, telah diilustrasikan oleh Satoshi Yamamoto. Ini diterbitkan oleh Sh333gakukan di bawah jejak Khusus Komik Ladybird. Di Amerika Serikat, Viz Media hanya merilis dua bab pertama (sesuai dengan game Generasi I), walaupun mereka telah mulai menerbitkan serial ini lagi yang dimulai dengan cetak ulang Gen I dan berlanjut dari sana (walaupun dengan beberapa kebiasaan, seperti melewatkan Gen III seluruhnya untuk beberapa waktu). Sementara Viz bermain catch-up, terjemahan bahasa Inggris resmi terdekat untuk bab-bab yang hilang adalah versi Singapura oleh Chuang Yi Comics, yang menerjemahkan seri ini sampai dengan Volume 41. Setelah Chuang Yi bangkrut pada awal tahun 2014, sebuah anak perusahaan dari Shogakukan bernama Shogakukan Asia Terus dari tempat Chuang Yi berhenti. Sementara ada beberapa manga Pokeacutemon lainnya, ini adalah yang paling terkenal karena menjadi salah satu dari sedikit yang dirilis di luar Jepang dan statusnya sebagai Long Runner. Jika Anda melihat penggemar penggemar Pokeacutemon tentang manga, ini mungkin yang mereka maksud. (Beberapa manga lainnya tercantum di sini.) Catatan: Karakter bernama Blue dan Green memiliki nama mereka yang diaktifkan dalam terjemahan sehingga nama anak laki-laki sesuai dengan permainan bahasa Inggris (di Jepang, Greens the boy and Blues gadis di luar Jepang, Blues the boy Dan Hijau gadis itu.) Kebijakan wiki ini adalah menggunakan nama bahasa Inggris, namun halaman ini dan subpagesnya mungkin melihat pencampuran BlueGreen untuk anak laki-laki dan perempuan tersebut karena penggunaan kedua nama tersebut untuk kedua karakter dalam fandom. Manga ini memberikan contoh: openclose all folders Acrofatic. Tierno, di XY. Meskipun dia. Perawakan mengesankan untuk sedikitnya, mampu melonjak cukup mengesankan dan membalik. Dibenarkan sebagai pelatih untuk menjadi penari. Aksi Girl Semua pemegang Dex wanita utama cukup mampu bertarung dan bertahan. Bahkan, setelah Red, pemegang Dex berikutnya yang benar-benar berjuang dan memenangkan lencana gym adalah Sapphire dan Platinum. Pengecualiannya adalah White. Yang tidak menganggap dirinya sebagai pelatih (karena dia tidak melatih Pokeacutemon dengan cara itu dan bahkan tidak memiliki apapun untuk bertarung dengan aktor dan aktris Pokeacutemon miliknya, juga). Tapi shes memutuskan untuk mengubahnya, memulai perjalanan pribadi untuk menjadi pelatih. Adaptasi Kepahlawanan. Silvers a Jerkass tanpa tindakan heroik dalam permainan yang hanya belajar mempercayai dan merawat Pokeacutemon-nya setelah pemain mengalahkannya di Victory Road, sementara di sini dia mendorong pembalasan untuk Green dan dirinya sendiri, tapi, sementara dia bukan orang yang paling baik, akan Membantu orang dalam masalah dari waktu ke waktu. Adaptasi Villainy: Lt. Surge, Koga, Sabrina adalah anggota tim Rocket di busur pertama, namun akhirnya menarik Turn HeelFace. Kanto Elite Four (Bruno, Agatha, Lorelei, Lance) mencoba Membunuh Semua Manusia untuk kepentingan Pokeacutemon. Mereka juga menarik bola HeelFace Turn Agatha, yang menghilang. Pryce adalah Masked Man, Big Bad dari busur kedua. Dia mengambil kendali dari sisa-sisa Tim Rocket sehingga dia dapat melakukan perjalanan kembali pada waktunya untuk menyatukan kembali dua Lapras yang dia rindukan ke longsoran salju. N memiliki lebih sedikit kualitas simpati dan lebih banyak momen Kick the Dog daripada yang dia lakukan dalam permainan. Ekspansi Adaptasi. Plot permainan diperluas, dengan karakter kecil mendapatkan peran lebih besar dan juga karakterisasi yang lebih banyak. Koneksi Asal Adaptasi. Sama seperti di Pokmon: The First Movie. Team Rocket bertanggung jawab atas penciptaan Mewtwos. Dalam game aslinya. Itu adalah proyek oleh kelompok ilmuwan independen. Aerith dan Bob. Di dunia yang penuh dengan nama JapaneseAnglo, sepertinya tidak ada yang berkomentar bahwa nama Dex Holders adalah warna, permata, benda langit, catatan logam Meskipun Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, dan Pearl umum diberi nama dalam kehidupan nyata dan huruf tunggal. Semua Ada di Manual: Ada sejumlah besar informasi tentang latar belakang dunia Pokeacutemon di bagian belakang buku. Ini termasuk tingkat tim utama, jumlah Pokeacutemon yang dilihat dan ditangkap, fungsi Pokeacutedex, peta yang merinci di mana semuanya terjadi, dll. Bahkan ada satu hal yang merinci tugas pastinya dari KantoJohto Gym Leaders. Halaman Pokeacutedex di situs netkun memberikan rincian berbagai Pokeacutemon yang telah ditunjukkan dalam seri ini, seperti tokoh-tokoh Pamanacutemons Gym Leaders. Dan aku Harus Berteriak: Merah, Biru, Hijau, Kuning dan Perak diputar di ujung FireRed dan LeafGreen. Its ambigu apakah mereka ingat waktu mereka di sana. Hitam diserap ke Batu Cahaya dengan Reshiram di ujung Black and White. Dan Sekarang untuk Seseorang Sepenuhnya Berbeda. Emas dan Perak, setelah bertarung dengan Mask of Ice di Danau Rage, segera turun sebentar untuk fokus pada Crystal. Animal Wrongs Group: Elite Kanto Four ingin memusnahkan semua umat manusia sehingga Pokeacutemon bisa hidup harmonis. Tim Plasma sama seperti rekan permainan mereka, ingin memisahkan Pokeacutemon dari manusia. Rambut Anime: Merah dan Biru, untuk beberapa nama. Penutup lampu emas ini pada satu titik saat dia mengeluh tentang rambutnya yang liar dan berantakan, lalu sadar itu selalu seperti itu. Dibenarkan dengan Emerald. Rambutnya yang besar dan tidak lengket membutuhkan rambut gel untuk dipelihara. Ketua Sinnoh memiliki rambutnya yang berbentuk seperti pelayan es krim yang lembut. Antiklimaks. Menjelang akhir busur Ruby dan Sapphire, Wallace akhirnya menerima perannya sebagai juara Hoenns dan bersiap untuk melawan Archie dan Maxie atas nasib daerah tersebut. Dia mendapat tendangan untuk semua dua halaman sebelum mereka mengungkapkan bahwa mereka memiliki Winona sebagai sandera, memaksa Wallace untuk mundur dan membiarkan dirinya dipukuli sampai bubur kertas. Batas Batas Kepala Sewenang-wenang: Dibenarkan dan dijelaskan di bab Crystal, saat sistem penyimpanan turun dan Crystal cant melepaskan tangkapannya. Profesor mendiskusikan bahwa tidak ada yang menghentikan Crystal untuk membawa tujuh atau delapan atau lebih Pokeacutemon, namun lebih sulit untuk mencurahkan cukup perhatian dan perhatian pada banyak Liga yang merekomendasikan berhenti pada usia enam untuk alasan ini dan kebanyakan pelatih tidak terlalu memikirkan orang-orang yang membawa lebih banyak. Dihindari dengan kesimpulan dari bab yang sama ketika setiap Pokeacutemon yang tertangkap membantu menenangkan Lugia dan Ho-oh ke bawah dan di bab Emerald ketika Guile Hideout menetapkan sewa Pokeacutemon on Emerald dan the Frontier Brains. Dipaksa pada jumlah pemegang Dex yang bertindak sebagai protagonis: Profesor Oak hanya membuat 3 Pokeacutedexs per Generasi (dia kemudian membuat merek baru untuk Red, yang memberi yang lama kepada Yellow). Arc Welding: Volume 40 (akhir dari Platinum) memiliki trio Sinnoh yang menerima Manaphy Egg dari manga Pokeacutemon Ranger, dan Looker terbang ke Unova untuk menyelidiki Tujuh Orang Bijak. The HeartGold dan SoulSilver saga berlangsung sebelum Diamond dan Pearl dan Platinum. Artinya bahwa segala sesuatu yang terjadi di bekas saga itu bertindak sebagai prekuel ke kisah terakhir. Art Evolution: Cukup mencolok. Bandingkan kelompok Kanto dengan Hoenn atau Sinnoh pada usia yang sama, trio Kanto ke mereka di busur Sevii, atau bahkan Emas pada awalnya berakhir pada akhir busur Emas, Perak, dan Kristal. Diamond menjadi chubbier di seluruh busur Diamond dan Pearl, sementara Lax-nya semakin kecil. The Artifact: Banyak yang beralih dengan alasan karakter untuk perjalanan mereka dan dilipat dua kali oleh karakter saat mereka menolaknya: Ruby dan Sapphire (setelah mereka berhasil menyelamatkan Hoenn) panik dan bertanya pada hari apa itu sehingga mereka bisa menyelesaikannya. Persaingan (Emerald kemudian memiliki kasus serupa dalam penaklukan Battle Frontier-nya) Ucapan Diamond kepada Platinum bahwa alasan awal mereka berada di Pilar Tombak adalah agar dia bisa membuat puncak keluarganya dan tidak menghentikan akhir dunia dan Diamond sendiri bersama dengan Pearl hanya mengesampingkan impian mereka untuk menjadi aksi komedi yang hebat, terus berlatih selama perjalanan mereka dan memungutnya lagi setelah selesai. Pengarang Banding. Rupanya para pencipta memiliki titik lemah untuk Latias manusia, seperti yang terlihat dalam setiap catatan penulis sejak dia Debut sampai volume 37. Disini dia adalah sebagai cheerleader 9674 dan ini dia adalah sebagai idola 9674. Author Avatar: Dalam catatan penulis, Kusaka diwakili oleh Electrode, Mato memakai kacamata Oddish. Memegang pensil, dan Yamamoto seorang Swalot. Ada referensi untuk ini di awal busur Emerald bahwa Electrode dan Swalot adalah Pokeacutemon Spenser dan Lucy memiliki pertempuran ganda melawan upacara pembukaan Battle Frontiers. Sebelum volume 15, avatar Satoshi Yamamotos adalah sebuah Slowpoke. Juga di Bab Merah dan Biru, avatar Hidenori Kusakas adalah apa yang akan diasumsikan adalah versi manga dirinya sendiri. Dalam volume 4, orang yang sama dengan Electrode untuk kepala. Direktur film Unova memiliki kemiripan yang luar biasa dengan Kusaka sendiri. Kembali dari kematian. Steven, Courtney dan Norman dari klimaks busur Ruby dan Sapphire berkat Celebi. Kembali ke Kembali Badasses. Bermain lurus di halaman ini dalam volume 32. Badass Adorable: Kuning memiliki beberapa trik di lengan bajunya. Emas Togepi mengambil kue itu. Ini menurunkan Silvers Tyranitar (yang juga mengetuk Togepi) dan Lance (memang terluka) Dragonite sebelum meluncurkan dirinya sendiri melalui Hyper Beam Guile Hideout dari Emerald memiliki Surskit yang sering dia gunakan. Badass Normal: Hampir semua orang sementara pelatih masih umumnya hanya bertahan dan memberi perintah seperti di game dan anime, di sini, beberapa benar-benar memberikan dukungan fisik. Variasi yang umum adalah mengendarai Pokeacutemon Anda sementara pertempurannya. Giovanni benar-benar mengatakan bahwa pelatih yang hebat harus mengasah tubuhnya sendiri, bukan hanya mengandalkan Pokeacutemon Anda. Ini adalah saran yang sama Chuck lewat dan diturunkan ke Blue. Ketika Team Rocket menyerang Indigo Plateau dan Gym Leaders membalas, beberapa pemimpin Gym bertarung dengan tinju mereka sendiri di samping Pokeacutemon mereka. Di antara kebingungan itu, Anda bisa melihat bahwa Falkner membanting satu gerutuan ke tanah, Janine melakukan tendangan terbang di wajah mendengus, Clair mencambuknya, dan Chuck melempar enam di antaranya sekaligus. Sayang sekali hanya ada satu tembakan dari Blue yang ternyata menendang seseorang dari panel. Di panel yang lebih baru (volume 14, halaman 32 tepatnya) Biru secara eksplisit ditunjukkan meninju seseorang ke tanah. Sapphire juga sangat buruk, setelah berlatih di hutan dengan Pokeacutemon sejak kecil, memberinya Charles Atlas Superpower. Sejauh ini, dia telah membawa beberapa orang saat berlari dengan berjalan kaki, mencabik tiang baja, dan masih banyak lagi. Kristal adalah sama, setelah mematahkan lengannya saat masih kecil dan belajar melakukan sesuatu hanya dengan kakinya. Hasilnya: di dekat kekuatan super di kakinya, itulah sebabnya dia sering menggunakannya. Emas mampu menembakkan bola poke dengan akurasi yang tak tertandingi karena kemampuannya dengan isyarat renang. Merah telah bertahan dari hal-hal yang dianggap tidak mungkin dipantulkan kembali, bahkan oleh standar Dex Holder. Ditambah lagi, tank Pokeacutemon bergerak seperti atasan secara teratur, dan telah dilempar ke bawah dengan Pokeacutemon satu lawan satu saat dibutuhkan (IE menusuk mata Nidoqueen). Contoh paling baru adalah Deoxys sendiri. Tas Holding. Peranti dan asesoris tampaknya disimpan dalam kapsul kecil, yang kemudian disimpan di dalam kotak prop. Kuning terus memancing Rod di kantong mungilnya. Ukurannya dua kali. Big Bad: Giovanni untuk Merah dan Biru dan FireRed dan LeafGreen sebagai pemimpin Team Rocket. Lance di bab Kuning sebagai pemimpin Elite Four. The Masked Man alias Pryce untuk Gold, Silver, dan Crystal sebagai pemimpin baru Team Rocket. Archie amp Maxie di Ruby dan Sapphire. Guile Hideout alias Archie lagi di Emerald. Cyrus di Diamond dan Pearl. Charon di Platinum. Di busur HeartGold dan SoulSilver, Eksekutif Rocket, Archer, Ariana, Petrel dan Proton, memenuhi peran ini sebagai Big Bad Duumvirate. Busur hitam dan putih, ada N dan Ghetsis. Lysandre di X dan Y. Big Damn Heroes: Merah muncul tepat pada waktunya untuk membantu mengalahkan Elite Four di akhir Yellow Chapter. Emas muncul dari penyembunyian Guile Hideout-nya di Bab Zamrud. Norman mengendarai Rayquaza untuk menghentikan Kyogre dan Groudon. Regigigas di Bab Platinum. Hitam harus melawan N, tapi Tujuh Sarang blok dia. Tidak seperti permainan, bagaimanapun, tidak ada Gym Leader yang bisa melakukan ini. Sebagai gantinya, setiap karakter minor bernama Black bertemu selama perjalanannya datang untuk membantunya. Big Eater: Diamond, terlihat makan di hampir setiap ronde. Sifat ini juga dibagikan dengan hampir semua Pokeacutemon Pokeacutemon awalnya, Munchlax, adalah salah satu waralaba yang memerankan anak-anak untuk pesta ini dan benar-benar kalah dari Diamond sendiri. Musha Hitam suka makan. Untung ia memiliki persediaan makanan kesukaannya yang gratis dan tak ada habisnya dari kepala pelatihnya (mimpi hitam). Billy Elliot Plot. Ruby melarikan diri dari ayah tuannya pertempuran sehingga ia bisa memenangkan kontes. Rumah mewah. Misty dan Platinum memiliki rumah besar untuk rumah. Boke dan Tsukkomi Rutin. Dia dan Pearl melakukan satu per putaran di Diamond dan Pearl sampai mereka memutuskan untuk berpisah sementara. Bodyguard Crush. Dia ke Platinum selama pertemuan pertama mereka (walaupun dia dan Pearl hanya menjadi pengawalnya karena kesalahpahaman). Buku bodoh Safir merupakan kasus yang menarik. Dia hanya memiliki kemampuan membaca dasar dan sulit memahami pertanyaan dalam catatan ujian olahraga Roxannes dalam bahasa Jepang Di Jepang, dia tahu ejaan hiragana tapi tidak bisa membaca kanji yang sama dalam bahasa Inggris dia tidak tahu definisi kata-kata yang lebih besar. Tapi dia juga bisa mengikuti ujian dengan meminta asisten untuk memberi tahu dia apa kata-katanya. Yang menjelaskan bahwa sebagai putri Profesor Birchs dia menghabiskan hampir seluruh waktunya untuk melakukan penelitian lapangan untuknya di alam bebas. Akibatnya dia sangat tahu tentang Pokeacutemon namun memiliki anugerah sosial dan keaksaraan yang buruk. Bookends Diamond dan Pearl dimulai dengan Diamond dan Pearl melakukan Boke dan Tsukkomi Routine mereka di atas panggung di Kota Jubilife. Di Platinum mereka melakukan yang lain pada tahap yang sama. Bowdlerize: Di akhir rilis asli Vizs dari Red and Blue Mt. Arc bulan, Red membawa Misty yang tidak sadar keluar dari gua. Dia datang, mendapati dirinya tertutup kotoran, dan meninju Merah karena dia mengira dia meraba-raba dia. Cetak ulang malah membuatnya mengeluh lebih banyak tentang menjadi kotor dan bukannya menuduh Merah melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pantas, meski dia masih memukulnya. Rilis ulang mengedit pertemuan Green vs. Sabrina di busur Silph Co. Awalnya, Green memakaikan Pokeacute Balls ke bagian depan gaunnya dimana payudaranya akan dan menipu Sabrina untuk merobek bagian atasnya dengan menghina kesehatan wanita yang lebih tua. Melepaskan dua Pokeacutemon-nya. Perilisan ulang ini memiliki rasa penghinaan mode Sabrinas yang hijau sebagai gantinya, dan dengan Kerusakan Pakaian diedarkan sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat seperti menarik Jigglypuff dan Clefairy entah dari mana. Bahkan saat itu, akibat dari gaun itu merobek (dia mengikat bagian atas bajunya bersama-sama) masih ada di panel selanjutnya. Ibu kristal tidak lagi memberinya Get A Hold Of Yourself Man menampar cukup keras untuk menjatuhkannya ke tanah, tapi malah Glare Kematian yang membuat dia mundur secara fisik. Sekarang Crystal sedang melarikan diri dari sesuatu yang sama sekali tidak signifikan. Alih-alih menyuruh Norman meninju Ruby dan mengirim anak itu terbang, sambaran petir (atau pemogokan di dekat) tangan Normandia sebagai gantinya. Di kemudian hari, dialognya telah dilunakkan untuk membuatnya lebih memahami tujuan Rubis. Ketika Ruby dan Sapphire pertama kali bertemu dengan Emerald, dia mengoceh dari balkon dan secara tidak sengaja menabrak mereka dengan arus. Rilis bahasa Inggris membuatnya begitu hes mengosongkan sekaleng soda, malah membuat yang dibuang pada Anda masih kasar dan tidak menyenangkan, tapi kurang. Tidak sehat Sama seperti anime, celemek Lenor telah diedit untuk menghindari implikasi rasis. Dekat ujung hitam dan putih. Tim Plasma menampilkan Pemimpin Gym yang kalah terikat pada umpan silang. Viz mengedit seni sehingga mereka terikat pada tiang, dengan lengan di belakang mereka. Break the Cutie: Hijau diculik pada usia lima tahun oleh burung raksasa (kemudian diturunkan menjadi Ho-Oh) sehingga dia bisa bekerja untuk Masked Man. Memberinya ketakutan yang melumpuhkan burung. Setelah sebelas tahun berjuang untuk kebebasannya, mengatasi fobia-fobia, dan pada umumnya melepaskan diri dari masa lalunya, dia menempatkan orang tuanya dan pergi untuk reuni yang menyenangkan dan rehat, hanya agar mereka menghilang di depan matanya. Putih mendapat pukulan keras. Tepat setelah momen tertinggi dalam hidupnya (bekerja pada Pokeacutemon Musical sampai titik kelelahan untuk memastikannya akan menjadi hit), N mengungkapkan kepadanya bahwa aktris bintangnya selalu ingin berperang. Kemudian aktris bintangnya meninggalkannya, membiarkan White jatuh dari Ferris Wheel. Putih kemudian dibiarkan nyaris tidak sadar di tanah di bawah, matanya penuh air mata. Hitam, sampai batas tertentu, mendapatkan ini saat Musha meninggalkannya. Putih, sekali lagi, setelah Hitam tersedot ke Batu Cahaya setelah mengalahkan N di liga Pokeacutemon Brick Joke: Di awal busur Ruby dan Sapphire, Ruby membuat sebuah pernyataan langsung bagaimana Mudkip lebih baik daripada Treecko (penampilan yang bijaksana, anyways ). Di tengah busur Emerald, yang dua busur kemudian (yang dalam cerita sekitar satu tahun), Ruby menemukan bahwa Emerald Sceptile sebenarnya adalah Treecko yang sama, yang sejak saat itu hilang. Dengan riang dia bertanya pada si Sceptile apakah dia ingat, dan tentu saja, ternyata itu membawa dendam untuk komentar itu. Ruby segera mendapat pukulan di wajah. Busur FireRed dan LeafGreen memiliki Old Master Ultima yang mencari Peta Laut Tua, barang yang dibutuhkan untuk menemukan Pulau Faraway yang merupakan rumah bagi nenek moyang semua Pokeacutemon, Mew. Dia menyampaikan informasi ini pada Kapten Briney, hanya agar dia tahu bahwa dia sudah menemukan pulau itu, membuat semua usahanya diperdebatkan. Sepertinya sebuah lelucon satu nada tapi kemudian di busur Emerald, tanah dari Pulau Faraway adalah apa yang membantu menenangkan semua orang terkutuk Pokeacutemon di Battle Frontier. Butt Monkey: Bill dan Eusine. Pembantu direksi, yang selalu dipukul oleh atasannya (dan pernah ditendang di wajah). Mayoritas protagonis dalam busur pengantar mereka. Merah misalnya menjadi seekor monyet pantat ke Pikachu sendiri. Canon Asing: Kuning, Zamrud, Admin Aqua Amber, Admin Magma Blaise, dan Admin Roket FRLG Sird, Carr, dan Orm tidak memiliki rekan permainan. Zig-Zag dengan Green dia didasarkan pada 9674 karya seni 9674 untuk karakter pemain wanita yang dimaksud dari permainan asli dari saat mereka akan memiliki pilihan jenis kelamin. Ketika FireRed dan LeafGreen dilepaskan, karya seninya diputar ulang untuk membuat penampilannya sesuai dengan Leafs (karakter pemain wanita di sana). Panggilan. Sebagian besar pemegang Dex, tapi Yellow and Crystal menonjol sebagai dipilih oleh Pokeacutemon (Pika dan Suicune) dan ditugaskan dengan misi (temukan Red, stop the Mask of Ice) Call Back. Cukup sering adalah kejadian masa lalu yang dibesarkan di masa sekarang, bahkan jika kejadian tersebut adalah ratusan bab yang lalu. Bab pertama dimulai dengan sekelompok anak-anak di Pallet Town mencoba menangkap Nidorino namun terjatuh. Red muncul dan menunjukkan kepada mereka bagaimana penampilannya dengan Poliwhirl-nya dan anak-anak menyadari Red, pelatih Pokeacutemon terbaik di Pallet Town. Lewatlah ke awal FireRed dan LeafGreen dan hampir adegan yang tepat dimainkan (sendiri sebuah Shout-Out untuk intip Gengar vs. Nidorino ikonik dari game pertama) dengan Venusaur dan bukan Poliwhirl dan anak-anak mengenali Red sebagai pelatih terbaik di Kanto. Selama Emas dan Perak. Sementara Presiden Club Fan Pokeacutemon berkomunikasi dengan semua anggotanya, kami melihat sekilas seorang gadis di bak mandi dengan Tentacool-nya, sebuah referensi untuk kasus Getting Crap Past the Radar dari busur Merah dan Biru. Caranya, jalan kembali ke busur Merah dan Biru, Red dipimpin mengelilingi Zona Safari oleh Pidgey mekanis. Ratusan bab kemudian, ada panduan Starly mekanis di Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Ternyata juga ada mekanik Hoothoot di Zona Safari Johto. Di HeartGold dan SoulSilver. Gelombang Golds Togepi di Lances Tyranitar, menunjukkan bahwa bayi Pokeacutemon masih ingat untuk mengambil Pokeacutemon yang jauh lebih besar kembali di Gold, Silver, dan Crystal. Tiga pengembang video game yang hampir tewas dalam bentrokan GroudonKyogre ternyata berasal dari Unova. Pemain kepingan salju Itu selalu ada, tapi Yamamoto benar-benar membaik dengan ini. Lebih banyak karakter yang keluar dengan berbagai wajah dan tipe tubuh (dengan sesekali Gonk dilemparkan ke dalam). Yang penting yang penting adalah gerutuan Plasma masing-masing terlihat sangat unik meskipun mereka semua memiliki seragam yang sama. The Flare dengus terlihat berbeda meskipun mereka semua memiliki gaya rambut dan nuansa eye-concealing yang sama. Catch Phrase: Crystals Capture Complete Rubys Cantik lengkap dengan Bishie Sparkle. Berlian, setelah cedera, teriakan Im Pokeacuteaayy sambil menutupi matanya dengan Pokeacuteballs. Dibenarkan saat ia membuat tanda tangannya muntah. Dia juga berbagi Ketika Anda memikirkan Pokeacutemon. Dengan Pearl, karena mereka menggunakannya sebagai garis pembuka untuk tindakan komedi mereka. Hitam memiliki beberapa: Suara Putih. Berubah menjadi hitam Dan pikiranku Menjadi kosong Tentu saja saya melakukan penelitian saya, dan YAHOO IM AKAN TERHADAP CHAMPIONSHIP LEBIH KOKOK DAN IM GONNA WIN. Karakterisasi Marches On. Mengingat terbatasnya jumlah kepribadian yang hadir dalam karakter permainan, mangaka benar-benar berusaha menciptakan karakterisasi unik dan seringkali sangat berbeda untuk para pelatih. Yang Terpilih Banyak. Dan orang-orang menyadarinya. Sebuah gerutuan Galaksi yang dikontrol oleh lampu Sird adalah kecenderungan Dex Holders untuk terlibat dalam pertempuran skala besar. Profesor Oak bertanya-tanya apakah pemegang Pokeacutedex ditakdirkan untuk menjalani hidup mereka, dikelilingi peperangan. Yang terpilih. Raikou, Entei, dan Suicune memilih pasangan mereka adalah alur cerita utama di Gold, Silver, dan Crystal. Meskipun Suicune mendapat fokus paling banyak sebagai maskot Crystal. Pengembangan karakter. Para pahlawan cukup matang saat mereka melewati busur utama mereka. Atau, penjahat-bijaksana, mereka menjadi lebih gila. Meskipun beberapa orang hanya kehilangan minat pada motif asli mereka untuk kejahatan - Lance, Sabrina, Lt. Surge, Koga, Lorelei, Bruno, Will dan Karen misalnya - dan memutuskan untuk menjadi baik. Sementara yang lain akhirnya mendapatkan ditebus melalui situasi di tangan (Giovanni dan Pryce.) Kerusakan Pakaian. Keduanya bermain untuk drama dan komedi. Salah satu momen penting yang dimiliki Greens top robek saat bertempur. Untuk mengungkapkan tempat baru yang menarik bagi anak perempuan untuk menyembunyikan PokeacuteBalls mereka. Hitam dan Putih berada di ujung penerima penghargaan Virizion ini. Whitess menurunkan separuh dari bajunya yang robek, menawarkan beberapa makanan ringan ringan dan perut telanjang dengan biaya yang dikeluarkannya (meski Anda hampir tidak terlihat baik untuk sisa bab ini). Penamaan tema warna-warni Ditandai setelah pertandingan, ini tak terelakkan. Satu-satunya pengecualian utama adalah X, Y, Sun, dan Moon. Gabungan Energi Serangan. Pada kebanyakan finalis busur, Dex Holders menggabungkan serangan mereka untuk mencatat Big Bad. Yang menarik adalah setiap kali Dex Holders hadir untuk mendukung generasi yang lebih baru, selalu ada serangan listrik yang merupakan pukulan akhir. (Megavolt, Super Rising Thunder (yang benar-benar hanya Volt Tackle), dan Volt Tackle.) Comedic Sociopathy. Bagian dari Diamond and Pearls bertindak: Pearl: Bertindak bodoh sehingga saya bisa memukul Anda Kemurnian Kontrak. Dipanggil Orang-orang aneh kulit putih pada gagasan Tep berkembang dan memiliki Gigi berpasangan dengan Pokeacutemon yang berbeda, mungkin lebih besar dan tidak menggemaskan. Dia berhasil melewatinya dengan cepat dan menemukan cara baru untuk memasarkannya. Karakter Sekuel yang Berbeda. Serial ini sering dipuji karena telah memutar karakter utama dengan kepribadian yang sangat berbeda, tidak seperti anime. Berdasarkan protagonis laki-laki saja kita memiliki Red untuk bab RGB, Emas untuk GSC, Ruby untuk RS, Diamond untuk DP, Black untuk BW, Blake untuk B2W2, X untuk XY, ​​dan Sun untuk SM. Dibela Kebetulan: Selama perkelahian Groudon dan Kyogres di Ruby dan Sapphire. Sapphire dilemparkan oleh ledakan dan Steven menangkapnya, yang ternyata sangat menguntungkan bagi keduanya: Sapphire akhirnya bisa mengirimkan sepucuk surat kepadanya yang telah membawa keseluruhan bab, dan dalam surat itu Steven mendapatkan informasi yang tepat tentang dia. Perlu membangkitkan golem Regi dan memilikinya mengandung pertarungan. Lebih dari itu, informasinya adalah dia membutuhkan Wailord dan Relicanth untuk melakukannya, dan keduanya kebetulan ada di tim Sapphir. Kedua karakter tersebut mencatat ketidakberesan yang ekstrem dari hal-hal yang antri seperti ini dan menyimpulkan bahwa takdir harus di tempat kerja. Seluruh premis Emerald. Jirachi hanya terbangun dari tidurnya selama satu minggu setiap seribu tahun. Minggu itu dan lokasi di mana terjadi begitu saja terjadi tumpang tindih dengan sempurna dengan Battle Frontiers minggu pembukaan. Konveksi Schmonvection. Pertarungan terakhir Kuning sebentar bergerak ke kawah gunung berapi. Mudah Mengosongkan Bangunan. Keseluruhan populasi Kota Vermillion berada di luar kota karena sebuah acara besar di dermaga ketika Lance merundingkannya dengan Hyper Beam. Namun, Lance mengakui bahwa mungkin ada beberapa orang yang masih berada di dalam. Pervert Terselubung. Ruby mengambil pengukuran Sapphires saat tidak sadar (untuk mengubah satu set pakaian untuknya).Ruby: Ahhh. Itu selalu terasa baik setelah perbuatan baik Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Ruby, yang biasanya menghindari pertempuran di depan umum, adalah pertarungan yang sangat kompeten. Pelatih asli Platinum: siapa yang akan memikirkan banyak dari dua orang yang namanya didasarkan pada kata idiot (Uji dan Paka) Neraka, Anda mungkin mengira ayahnya adalah orang yang merekrut mereka sejak awal. Setelah beberapa kecelakaan lucu, keduanya bertengkar dengan Team Galactic, dan Anda dapat melihat bahwa mereka benar-benar pertarungan terampil, menunjukkan strategi cerdas dan mengecoh Saturnus sendiri. Diamond tidak pernah mencoba tampil bodoh, dia hanya lebih suka membiarkan Pearl melakukan semua pembicaraan karena itu berarti dia bisa terus makan makanannya dan mengacaukan acaranya dengan Pearl dalam perkenalannya karena ia lebih suka makan dengan Munchlax-nya. Dia bekerja dari kata pergi bahwa dia dan Pearl werent seharusnya menjadi pengawal Platinum dan biasanya orang yang menemukan solusi gila tapi praktis untuk masalah yang ada. Ditiru Hero Shot. Enam dari Unova Gym Leaders akhirnya terikat dengan persilangan. Mengingat bahwa Tim Plasma terdiri dari wannabes ksatria megah, ini mungkin disengaja dari pihak mereka. Tentu saja, Viz mengedit adegan itu sehingga Pemimpin Gym hanya terikat pada tiang dengan lengan mereka terikat di belakang mereka. Pertempuran Curb-Stomp: Reds pertama beberapa pertempuran (dengan dia menjadi pemenang) sampai ia menghadapi Misty. Hal ini membuat sebuah titik plot, karena Misty menunjukkan bahwa kemenangannya telah membuat dia sombong dan dia tidak mampu untuk memenangkannya begitu saja. Pada bab pertama, Mew mengalahkan Reds Poliwhirl dalam satu panel sebelum terbang. Ketika Emas memiliki enam di enam pertempuran dengan Silver, Silver mengalahkan semua pokemon Golds, hanya kehilangan Tyranitar dalam prosesnya. Red dalam pertempuran pertamanya dengan Deoxys (Tapi, untuk bersikap adil, tidak seperti game, Deoxys bisa mengubah pertarungan, memberinya keuntungan dari apa pun). Berpikir bahwa Byron bertanggung jawab atas penculikan ayahnya, Platinum dengan cepat mengetuk. Keluar baik Bronzong-nya dengan satu penyembur api dari Ponyta-nya. Taring kecil yang lucu Safir. Lucu dan psiko Caitlin mendapatkan cara ini saat ingin memiliki pertempuran Pokeacutemon. 9674 Kitten Lucu Ruby memiliki Skitty yang kemudian berkembang menjadi Delcatty. Darker dan Edgier. Nada keseluruhannya tetap sama ringan, tapi bagus sekali daripada anime dan sebagian besar game aslinya. Saat-saat yang benar-benar menentukan untuk ini adalah zombie Pokeacutemon di RedGreenBlue. Dan tidak lama kemudian ketika seorang Arbok dipotong menjadi dua. Disebutkan secara khusus pergi ke busur Kalos karena telah menjadi satu bab ini saja. Sampai sekarang, kita memiliki protagonis dengan masalah kepercayaan dengan orang lain selain dari lingkaran sosial mereka. Kampung halaman mereka dihancurkan oleh dua Pokemon legendaris. Sebuah tim jahat terus berusaha membunuh protagonis untuk Magnetic Plot Device mereka. Seorang teman yang menjalani Kekayaan Intelektual karena kejadian yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, dan antagonis yang Jelas. Perlu diingat bahwa busur bahkan belum setengah jalan selesai. Jam paling gelap Battleclimax akhir dari Ruby dan Sapphire. Norman, Courtney, Steven semuanya sudah meninggal. Wallace mendapat omong kosong yang dipukulnya oleh Maxie dan Archie yang keduanya gila karena kehancuran saat ini. Winona disandera. Busur Emerald memiliki Kemenangan Penjahat Dekat sebagai tempat persembunyian Guile mendapatkan keinginannya. Dark dan Troubled Past. Hijau dan Silvers masa kanak-kanak. Mereka diculik oleh Masked Man saat mereka masih sangat muda dan terpaksa bekerja untuknya sampai mereka melarikan diri. Deklarasi Perlindungan. Dia dan Pearl secara resmi merasa seperti ini untuk Platinum setelah kecelakaan di Veilstone City. Tropon yang didekonstruksi. Seperti halnya game, di bab BW, Bianca aktif dalam pelarian dari ayahnya yang ingin menyeretnya pulang ke rumah. Sayangnya, ini menyebabkan dia tidak dapat menghabiskan waktu melatih Pokeacutemon-nya atau benar-benar menyelesaikan sesuatu secara umum, memberi makan lebih jauh ke dalam masalah harga dirinya. Mencairkan Ratu Es Platinum mulai menjadi sangat bossy dan sombong untuk Diamond dan Pearl. Ditolak untuk Ekstra. Sampai batas tertentu, Cheren dan Bianca berada di busur Hitam Putih. Di satu sisi, dua karakter utama tituler bahkan memakai busur Character Development mereka dari game. Determinator Emas menolak untuk menyerah melawan Manusia Masked meskipun telah dipukuli beberapa kali. Minta Man. Hmm. Youre yang tangguh. Ilex Forest, Danau Rage dan Indigo Plateau. Tiga kali kalah dan tiga kali kalah. Meskipun begitu, Anda masih mendatangi saya. Saya harus memberi Anda beberapa kredit untuk itu dan ingat nama Anda. Emas (Panting) Buka telingamu dan dengarkan baiklah saat itu. Ingat ini, saya. (Beri Band Fokus ke Pokeacutemon nya) EMAS. Dari Kota Kulit Baru Deus ex Machina. Ruby rupanya memiliki Celebi untuk keseluruhan Ruby dan Sapphire. Memungkinkan dia untuk membatalkan kematian ayahnya dan beberapa lainnya. Diabolus ex Machina: Dekat ujung busur Ruby dan Sapphire. Setelah berminggu-minggu penghancuran nakal dan banyak Pengorbanan Pahlawan, pemeran utama akhirnya berhasil mengalahkan Kyogre dan Groudon. Jadi sekarang semuanya baik-baik saja, benar Cue kembalinya Archie dan Maxie, yang tidak hanya tidak menjalani Realisasi Heel seperti rekan-rekan permainan mereka, tapi terus bergabung, memukuli pahlawan yang lelah, dan mencoba untuk memulai seluruh krisis lagi. The end of the FireRed and Leaf Green arc: Team Rocket has been stopped, Deoxys has been calmed, Mewtwo has found peace, Silver has accepted his father, and no one other than Orm has died despite the intense battles and the falling airship rigged with explosives. All seems well until Sird somehow shows up and makes a last-ditch attempt to recapture Deoxys, which fails but causes the five Dex Holders present to be turned to stone. Disappeared Dad. Koga for Janine, and (presumably) Hayate for Falkner. Disproportionate Retribution. The Sinnoh Trio make a lot of noise in Mt. Coronets caves. Cyruss response is to bury them alive in a rock slide. Does This Remind You of Anything. Ruby running away from home because his dad wont accept he wants to be a Pokeacutemon coordinator. Ruby is very, very camp. It honestly gets a bit awkward when Norman eventually tracks him down and beats him senseless. Doing It for the Art. In-Universe. White, the president of a Pokeacutemon talent agency, always makes sure that her Pokeacutemon actors get the best possible treatment and that her clients are satisfied even if it means she fails to make a profit and has to camp outside in a tent. However, she is shown to be worried about her finances. Doomed Hometown. Vaniville Town gets destroyed in the second round of the XY chapter. Double Take. When Yellows Uncle sees the Masks Rocket grunts. Downer Beginning. The XY arc starts with the protagonists hometown getting destroyed by Xerneas and Yveltal and Team Flare painting a giant target on their backs, signalling the overall tone of the arc. Downer Ending. The conclusion of FireRed and LeafGreen . The Kanto Dex Holders and Silver have been turned into stone and Sird gets away. The BW arc ends with Ghetsis still on the loose, the remaining Team Plasma members fleeing, and Black trapped inside the Light Stone with Reshiram. Dragon Rider : Green and Wally both have dragon-like Pokeacutemon. Dragon-type trainers Lance, Clair and Drake too. Black and N ride atop Reisham and Zekrom respectively in their fight. Dub-Induced Plot Hole : The Viz versions rarely used nicknames in Red and Blue . so when the Yellow arc rolled around, Reds Pikachu seemingly got one out of nowhere and everyone acted like it always had one. To make things worse, they kept switching back and forth between nicknames and actual names. From Gold and Silver onwards the translators became more consistent with nicknames. There is a scene in FireRed and LeafGreen when Red and Blue traded their starters with one another for a bit, prompting Mewtwo to comment with a Title Drop to go along with the types or starter they ended up with. The English versions either keep the Title Drop despite Greens name being changed to Blue or replace it with the phrase like fire and water, which keeps the meaning but doesnt match the illustration of Charizard and Venusaur . The Sinnoh Trio started their journey on September 28th, the day the Diamond and Pearl games were released in Japan. The Viz translators caught on to the reference and changed it to April 22nd, the day the games were released in America. However, this shows that Viz doesnt read ahead, as of this point of the story winter is rapidly approaching Sinnoh, necessitating the change into the Platinum outfits. Apparently in Sinnoh, it starts snowing in May. Dub Name Change : In Japan, the rival is Green and the girl is Blue. But in the published English version, this is reversed because of the way the Japans Green Version game was changed into Blue Version for international releases. The French version has X and Y be nicknames for Xavier and Yvonne, which are relatively common French names. Ys name change was also kept in the Viz release. The English version also changed Lack-two and Whi-twos names to Blake and Whitley, a reference to Hilbert and Hilda s demo names Blair and Whitlea. Early-Bird Cameo : In her battle against Green, Sabrina hypnotizes her to see her greatest fear: a pagoda surrounded by birds. i. e. Johtos Bell Tower. In Red and Blue . right before the start of the Pokeacutemon League, a few trainer classes from Pokmon Gold and Silver can be seen in the crowd. Riley and Sailor Eldritch during the Jirachi arc. They can be seen on one panel after Scott makes his wish. Archies last sentence being Galac-. Manaphy is mentioned and seen in silhouette in Emerald . The line said by Sird to Archie after she gives him the Guile Hideout sword and armor. If you bear your sword to bring harm upon us, with claws and fangs, we will exact a toll, a quote from a Sinnoh myth. (Well, the Diamond and Pearl games were already out at that point, so its less meta of an example than the others.) There was also that point where Giovanni had discovered Rhydons evolution, Rhyperior. Near the end of FireRed and LeafGreen . Deoxys mentions going to a faraway land that has a meteor that can help Deoxys change forms at will. In Sinnohs Veilstone City, perhaps Early Installment Weirdness. In Red and Blue and Yellow . the Gym Badges had their subtle Power-Up mechanic from the games turned into a kind of Applied Phlebotinum that could do strange things like fuse Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres into a single super-Mon when brought together, and it was implied that only one of each Badge existed. Later chapters completely dropped these aspects and just made the Badges like they are the games (including the removal of the Power-Up part). Easily Forgiven : Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Koga were allowed to stay Gym Leaders (or, in Kogas case, become a member of the Elite Four) even though they were high-ranking members of Team Rocket and participated in cruel experimentation of Pokeacutemon. Its implied by the Masked Man that they could still be arrested by the authorities if they were ever found out, since its the heroes that gave them the free pass. Red is quick to forgive Deoxys despite the fact that it nearly killed his team of Pokeacutemon. Elephant in the Living Room. Notable for actually making use of the main implied but never stated facet of the franchise (Pokeacutemon are Pocket Monsters . and pose a threat to humans who cant defend against them because they lack (conscious) Pokeacutemon) instead of putting it in the background. Enemy Mine : Red, Green, and Blue team up with the three admins of Team Rocket against three of the Elite Four. And later they team up with one of the Elite Four against three new Team Rocket admins. Everythings Better with Penguins. Platinums Piplup which later evolves to Prinplup and Empoleon. Evil Laugh. Lance does this a lot in the Yellow arc. (Kufufufufufu. ) Evil Redhead : Subverted. Silver isnt evil, just a jerk (at first ) due to a bad childhood . Lance was evil but reformed during the GSC chapter. Maxie fits this to a tee, though. Also, Mars from Team Galactic, and Ariana of Team Rocket. Evil Versus Evil. Aqua vs. Magma, just like in the games. but moreso here. Eviler Than Thou. Team Aqua was generally portrayed as crueler than Team Magma, trying to kill four people simply for seeing them in action, trapping two girls in a Drowning Pit. trying to kill the three Gym Leaders obstructing Kyogre (whereas Magma was satisfied simply incapacitating them), and before suffering Sanity Slippage from the Blue Orb, Archie leaves one of his admins to die because he cant be bothered with saving him. Archie also wins the battle to the death with Maxie for armor required to save their lives because Maxie is visibly hesitant to fight with him by that point. Exposed to the Elements. Lampshaded and discussed during the DiamondPearlPlatinum chapter around Snowpoint, as the three major characters there are all underdressed for snow: Platinum simply hasnt received the warmer clothes she ordered and nearly freezes to death before they come in, Candice puts fashion over practicality and credits her ability to deal with it to being able to focus, and Maylene cant afford extra clothes and stays active to keep warm. Extremity Extremist. Crys mainly using her legs to throw PokeacuteBalls. Fallen Angel. Cyrus theres even a shot of him with his Honchkrow behind him with its wings outstretched at the end of the arc. Fanime. Theres a group of fans making a serious attempt at animating the series here . They apparently need more animators and illustrators so support them if you can. Fingerless Gloves. Red and Rubys gloves. Five-Man Band. The Kalos kids are this, with Y as The Leader. X as The Lancer. Trevor as The Smart Guy. Tierno as The Big Guy. and Shauna as The Chick. X and Y are an interesting case in that its X who is The Hero and recognized as the strongest battler in the group, but its Y who makes the groups decisions and is the one that the group listens to. Foreshadowing. Red saves Yellow from a Dratini. Later in the next arc, Yellow not only faces their evolved forms, but defeats them. Freudian Trio. The first four generations form this. Kanto Group (excluding Yellow ) Red: Hotblooded Idiot Hero. later mellows out (Id) Blue: Stoic, coolheaded (Superego) Green: Sneaky, conniving trickster (Ego) Johto Group Gold: Exactly like Red, except he never really grew out of it (Id) Silver: Cold, aloof (Superego) Crystal: Serious and hardworking, but gets ruffled by Gold (Ego, sometimes Superego) Hoenn Group Ruby: Calm and rational (Superego) Sapphire: Hotblooded, but mellows out in the Emerald arc (Id lt-gt Ego) Emerald: As the latecomer to the trio, hes technically the most immature out of them, but not so much (Id lt-gt Ego) Sinnoh Group (Hard to say, since the Sinnoh trio seems to have played each of the three roles at least once in their arc, but the following stand out.) Diamond: Slow, dopey, and a glutton, but has moments of self-awareness (Ego) Pearl: Rash, likes to shout, but is the de-facto leader of the trio (Id) Platinum: Stoic at first, but likes to experience new things and is the one who holds the trio together (Superego) Fun with Acronyms. The word Rocket in Team Rocket stands for R aid O n the C ity, K nock out E vil T usks. Seen here. Funny Afro. The Hoenn director. Fusion Dance : Bill and a Rattata get fused together early in Red and Blue due to a teleportor accident, similar to the games. Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres are fused together by Team Rocket using the power of the Gym Badges in Red and Blue . Gambit Pileup. The end of Yellow started with Evil Plan. continued into some heroic Gambit Roulettes. and in the end Giovannis moment of heroism actually turned out to be part of Lances plan and Yellow somehow managing to outwit him. It gets crazier later on. Suffice it to say everyone gets to play Xanatos Speed Chess at some point - even Guile Hideout GOLD disguised as Guile Hideout Gambit Roulette. A heroic one for Gold in Emerald . Sure, he probably made some of it up as he went along. but he got a fake arm from Emerald before he even needed it and somehow had a perfectly good fake copy of Guiles armor despite their being only really obscure legends about it. And, although it was coincidence, the fact that Guile landed RIGHT nearby the fake copy only makes it more shocking. Gang of Hats : The Sinnoh trios mons all have a unifying trait, Diamonds are slow powerhouses with his appetite. Pearls are all fast, loud and energetic while Platinums tend to be aloof or proud and always well groomed. The trainers nature and characteristics tend to rub off on their pokemon, as seen when Red and Blue end up with each others team: while Blues are at first serious and hard working after their time with Red they are all a lot more mellow and vice versa. Gender-Blender Name. Ruby and Pearl are males with female sounding names. Get A Hold Of Yourself Man : Crystals mother to Crystal after she loses the will to continue on her mission after failing to catch Suicune. Blue tries this on Red during FireRed and LeafGreen after he loses to Deoxys the first time. Getting Crap Past the Radar : Red sees the Pokeacutemon Fan Club newsletter with the headline Shocking Case Of Pokeacute-Love . Thats the last bath Ill take with my Tentacool. This even stayed in Vizs rerelease when other stuff was edited out. In Platinum . Dahlias introduction at the Battle Arcade starts with her dancing behind. The next page, its pretty obvious what Looker is staring at. Gondor Calls for Aid. In the Gold, Silver, and Crystal finale, trainers from all over Kanto and Johto send all of their Pokeacutemon to Ilex Forest through Bills transporter system to assist in calming down Ho-oh and Lugia. Good Morning, Crono. Golds introduction in his arc, being woken up for some errands. Gratuitous English : In the original Japanese volumes, Lt. Surge, Gold, Ruby, Jupiter and Saturn inexplicably use words such as OH MY GOD. and BOSS in plain English when the rest of the text is in Japanese. Steven, Platinum, and her mother all sign their names in English. Gratuitous Spanish. Early on in Yellow . Yellow uses a fake name of Amarillo del Bosque Verde. Unfortunately, the Paper-Thin Disguise didnt work, as everyone hearing it knew it meant Yellow of the Viridian Forest. In the original Japanese, she just gives her real name from the start. Green Lantern Ring. Greens Ditto, Agathas Arbok and its ability to change patterns. Goggles Do Nothing. Subverted, Gold wears his when hes flying and underwater. Goggles do nothing most of the time. Gotta Catch Them All. Crystals job. She actually succeeds in doing so for the Johto Dex and later the Hoenn Dex. Harmful to Minors. When Ruby was younger, he had his head slashed open by a Salamance HeelFace Turn. The Team Rocket executive trio (Sabrina, Koga, Lt. Surge), Blaine and Mewtwo, the Kanto Elite Four (save for Agatha ), Will and Karen, Pryce, Courtney, Tabitha, Amber, Deoxys, Cyrus and all the Team Galactic commanders (except for Charon.) Helping Would Be Kill Stealing. Averted, as all (good) Gym Leaders and Elite Four members actively take part in the battle against whatever evil is plaguing their region, though the Dex Holders will still eventually be the ones who will have to take down the current Big Bad . Heroic B. S.O. D. : Red has two of them - one in the very first chapter of Red and Blue where he was defeated by Mew and had his confidence shattered and much later in FireRed and LeafGreen when he was defeated by Deoxys. Bill gets a short one in Gold, Silver, and Crystal when he starts feeling useless due to his inability to get the transfer system to work again, meaning that he can do nothing to help the Dex Holders in their fight. As Daisy tries to calm him down (as he had been injured earlier while protecting her), he ignores her and his injuries in order to angrily try to get the system up, before just breaking down, crying, and yelling in frustration. Crys in Gold, Silver, and Crystal goes through a particularly rough one as well, after she fails at catching Suicune AND failing to understand it. Its so bad that she loses her ability to catch even the weakest of Pokeacutemon it takes a slap from her mom and training from scratch to snap out of it. Gold gets one near the end of Gold, Silver, and Crystal when he thought Professor Oak was telling him to stop pursuing the Masked Man despite everything that he has done. Silver goes through a pretty bad one in FireRed and LeafGreen after finding out that Giovanni is his father . Emerald breaks down when he, Ruby, and Sapphire are trying to learn the ultimate attacks for their starters, and reveals his childhood experiences. Diamond and Pearl are pretty badly shaken up after meeting Platinums real bodyguards in Veilstone and being unable to save them but desperately try to hide it from Platinum. This is also just before they stop with their comedic duo act . White gets a major one when Gigi willingly decides to go with N for recognizing her battling potential. White falls out of the Ferris Wheel, and lies on the ground with her eyes blank and full of tears . Heroic R. R.O. D. : Mewtwo is the strongest Pokeacutemon the heroes have to fight the Elite Four in Yellow . The problem is that by using him Blaine risks dying because of the way he made Mewtwo and no one else is able to use him. Entei later fixes this by breaking the bond they share and healing Blaine. To a lesser extent Yellows healing and empathic powers drain her strength really quickly (to say nothing of her syncing with her Pokeacutemon) which might be why she almost always sleeps straight after a fight. Heroic Sacrifice. In Gold, Silver, and Crystal Gold gives the Rainbow and Silver wings to Crystal and Silver to ensure their safety in the voids of time as he goes of alone without protection to go after Pryce. He manages to get back out fine. Two in the Ruby and Sapphire . To stop the rampaging Groudon and Kyogre, Norman and Steven awaken Rayquaza and the Regis respectively at the cost of their lives. They were revived due to Celebi. Red in FRLG He stayed behind the airship in order to safely land it. Although he got out alright. Also in FRLG: Even though hes not a hero, Giovanni gains one for shielding his son from a raging inferno which Deoxys dumped them into. Dia nearly has one in the finale of the DP arc, jumping into the temporal rift Dialga and Palkia made with his Mamoswine to try and seal it before Regigigas stopped him. He does it again in the Platinum arc, pushing Pearl out of harms way as Giratinas Shadow Force hits him. Yes, he really was that close to dying. Heroic Second Wind. Dont expect any protagonist, or anyone fighting for good, for that matter, to win the match without taking a bad beating first. Villainous example: Archie and Maxie after Groudon and Kyogre have been beaten and later Guile Hideout desperately trying to put his armour back on after being beaten. Hero with Bad Publicity. The Kanto trio in the FRLG saga. He Who Fights Monsters. The Kanto Elite Four turned up to be no different from the Team Rocket they detest. Hey, Thats My Line. Red brags to Green about his two badges. She steals them, and when Team Rocket catches up to her she brags about her two badges. Reds not happy to see shes stealing his possessions and his lines. Hostage for MacGuffin. Noland surrenders the Jirachi report for Anabels safety. Platinum is the daughter of the Berlitz family, the richest family in Sinnoh, so at one point Saturn hopes to kidnap her and hold her for ransom. Hot-Blooded. Emas. Professor Oak even tells Crys to watch over him since almost no one can really stop him when he gets agitated. Except her. She doesnt take that as a compliment. Sapphire once had flames bursting out of the background when she was about to take Roxannes test. She has since then mellowed out, however. Her Expy. Y, was also noted for being hotheaded and impulsive, and has also since then mellowed out. Pearl also counts as he has tons of willpower and shouts more than needed. Black . Hot Springs Episode : Not a full-on episode, but in the GSC arc, Both Red and Sabrina bathe in Mt. Silvers therapeutic hot springs to aid the healing of their injuries. Sapphire and Flannery fought their official gym battle while bathing in the Lavaridge hot springs. Hour of Power : Mewtwo can fight for only three minutes, due to some Applied Phlebotinum issues that went with his cloning. Entei eventually fixes this. And in any case, it was always more of a problem for his trainer than for him. Yellows Pokeacutemon can count too. She can make their levels rise when she synchronizes her spirit with them. Given how fast this drains her stamina, this isnt something she can do often. The rise in strength it provides though is enough to make a pair of Rocket admins retreat (one of whom was enough to deal with Lorelei single handedly). In Ruby and Sapphire . Steven using the Regis and Norman using Rayquaza: the Regis contain the destruction that Kyogre and Groudon cause in their fight while Rayquaza ends the battle just by showing up but this leads to Steven and Normans (temporary) death A House Divided. Both Team Magma and Team Aqua manage to convince several Hoenn Gym Leaders of their righteousness. Since both teams are well known enemies, the gym leaders nearly turn on each other before realizing both teams are evil. Human-Focused Adaptation. In a sense. Most of the Pokeacutemon are just part of the characters teams and we rarely see events from their point of view (with a few exceptions, such as Mewtwo). Much focus has been placed instead on the Character Development that the protagonists get each arc. Hypocrite. The Kanto Elite Four are extremists who wanted to purge the planet from evil and pollution, but doesnt seem to care about Team Rocket who are against their goals. They would rather gang-up against the protagonists (who wanted to stop Team Rocket) instead. Hypocritical Humor. In the Ruby amp Sapphire chapter, the Pokeacutemon Fan Club President asks Ruby to use his battle prowess as a trainer to escape from being kidnapped by Team Magma. Not wanting to battle as usual, he asks the President why he doesnt battle them himself. When he claims that hes scared of battles, Ruby accuses him of getting others to do the things he doesnt like. Iconic Item. Some of the Dex Holders have at least one. Examples are Reds cap and Fingerless Gloves. Green and Silvers gloves, Yellows hats, Golds billiards cue and Crystals earrings. Idiosyncratic Episode Naming. Chapters are called rounds, and the story arcs are called chapters. The rounds themselves are called Vs. Pokeacutemon that is prominent in said chapter(But only in the Chuang Yi translations. when translated directly (except rounds in the fifth chapter), while the official translation always had new titles which incorporated the mons name for the first three chapters, after which they just started making up entirely new titles. Idiot Hair. Rubys mom. And Ruby himself, for that matter. Idiot Hero : Red in the beginning, but he grew out of it by the end of the first arc. Diamond too, until we find out he was Obfuscating Stupidity . Black isnt stupid, per se, but hes too single-minded on his dream and has to have his Mushana eat his dream in order to get any thinking done. I Know Madden Kombat. Quite frequently are Pokeballs modified or launched in an unusual manner for various effects in battle. This is most seen with Gold, Crystal, Moon, and Bruno. Gold uses his billiards stick to launch trick shots, Crystal uses her legs due to an accident that broke her arms as a kid, Moon uses her bow a nd Pokeball-tipped arrows to fire at enemies and Bruno can launch Pokeballs using his nunchucks. because . I Know Youre in There Somewhere Fight. Lt. Surge, officially an Anti-Hero after a gradual HeelFace Turn. pulls this with some of his previous henchmen that were being controlled by the Masked Man during the penultimate battle of the second arc. Inexplicably Identical Individuals : Some of the supporting cast like the Pokeacutemon Fanclub President and the Swimmers. The Galactic grunts. Dia notes that they have a Hive Mind and cannot think on their own. Improbable Hairstyle : Emerald has his hair shaped like a croissant, apparently to make himself look taller. Justified in that he uses hair gel to keep it like that. The Sinnoh chairmans looks like a large swirl of ice cream. Improbable Weapon User. Mewtwo uses a giant spoon. (And makes it look badass, too.) Improvised Zip Line : Janine uses her Ariados to go across buildings. Ruby uses his Pokeblock case to slide down a line that has one end tied to his Marshtomps arm and the other to Courtneys . Inconsistent Dub The original Viz printing of Chapter 12 literally translates Razor Leaf as Leaf Cutter. Chapter 26 translates Pokeacutemon Mansion as Pokeacutemon House Viz couldnt make up their minds with the Pokeacutemons nicknames until they finally got consistent in the Gold and Silver arc. In volume 6, Blues sister was referred to as May. In volume 14, she was correctly identified as Daisy. Viz isnt sure whether or not one member of the Team Rocket Elite Trio is named Ryo or Al. Indy Ploy. How some of the protagonists foil the villains plans. Especially Gold. After doing said Indy Ploy Gold will claim that it was all part of the plan, despite that it obviously wasnt. Gold: I knew that having a fake suit of armour would come in handy In-Series Nickname. Platinum gets different ones depending on the translation: Ojou-sama in Japanese, Missy in Chuang Yis English version, and Lady in Vizs English Version. Diamond is called Dia as well. Crystals name is usually shortened to just Crys and Latios and Latias call Emerald Em or Rald depending on the translation. Interface Spoiler. Averted: The start of each round in the Ruby and Sapphire shows the Pokeacutemon that Ruby and Sapphire have with them and their levels (Sapphire) or condition (Ruby) except that Ruby reveals hes had Celebi the whole time . Irony. Biancas Oshawott gets beat up by a rather vicious-looking, wild Audino. Audino mainly exist in the games to be beaten up for experience points . Its All My Fault. How Hugh feels about Team Plasma stealing his little sisters Purrloin. She just wanted to be with it, but he made her battle. He blames it on his own weakness8212after all, if he was strong, he wouldnt have lost to the Plasma grunts and Purrloin wouldnt have been taken away. Its Up to You. In Emerald . Gold says this to the RSE gang after he and Crys get pummeled by the Jirachi wished Kyogre. Jerkass. Quite possibly Volkner, who uses up so much electricity running his gym just because hes bored. resulting the rest of Sunyshore to go into a total blackout. Oh, Blue and Green, so much in the first arc. With Blue, he spends alot of his time acting smug and superior to Red, and constantly refuses to change even after working with him several times. And as for Green, it gets pretty far out when, a lot of chapters after she returns the badges she had stolen from Red, redeeming her a little, it turns out those were fake . The both of them finally change their behavior at the Pokeacutemon League tournament though. Character Development at its most noticable, as they go on to become Reds best friends. Jerk with a Heart of Gold : Blue and Green from the first arc, Blue being snide and dismissive and Green gleefully manipulating and stealing from other people. Both change towards the finale. In keeping with their Red Oni, Blue Oni relationship Gold and Silver both show different sides of this: Gold is loud mouthed, rash and rude while Silver is cold and cynical but both genuinely care about all Pokeacutemon and try to help those in need. Black is a bit of a jerk to his friends and causes no end of trouble for Professor Juniper without so much of a hint of apology because hes so focused on his goals. When this gets pointed out to him by Cheren he tries his hardest to fix this. Joker Immunity. Though the world of Adventures has much more drama and emphasis on Character Death than other Pokeacutemon media, it is not immune to this trope especially when Pokeacutemon remakes are around the corner. Pryce (aka the Masked Man) returns from the time void he fell in at the end of Gold, Silver amp Crystal chapter and Giovannis fatal disease he got during the Fire Red and Leaf Green chapter is cured by Celebi in the Heart Gold and Soul Silver chapter. Maxie and Archie were egregiously implied to be dead by the end of Emerald chapter based on the expositions from Guile Hideout (aka Archie), and yet both of them return fine and well in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire chapter, and then proceed to die AGAIN. They even got their lieutenants back to their side despite the fact almost all of them went Screw This, Im Outta Here or a performed a HeelFace Turn in the Ruby and Sapphire chapter, though they justify it by revealing that these names are code-names used by Team AquaMagma . Karma Houdini. Karen and Will. They tried to Mind Rape Green, beat Silver senseless, mocked Green for caring about him, made it very clear that theyre working for the Big Bad For the Evulz. and the only reason why they stopped working for him was not because they saw the light. it was because they got scared shitless. And though it may match up with the games, are these the kind of people you want in your league-recognized Elite Four. Geez, at least Koga helped out the good guys a few times and had enough moments where he redeemed himself. And Brunos more sinister involvment in the Kanto Elite Four was due to mind control. Will and Karen have no such excuse. Agatha is an even worse example. She masterminds the plan to commit mass genocide on all humanity, escapes without punishment, and is never seen again. Kid Hero. All the dex holders start out their adventures when they are 10-11. However, due to the lack of Comic-Book Time. the eldest of the protagonists (Red, Green and Blue) are now roughly in their twenties as of X and Y. Kick the Dog. The criminal organizations are all generally guilty of this in some form, but Team Rockets especially bad with this due to their experiments during the original RGB arc, most notably Eevee. Erika seems to do that too, until Red learns that it was a test a rare subversion. What Ns Zorua does to Alders Accelgor is just plain messed up . Kill All Humans. Part of the Elite Fours goal in the Yellow arc. Killed Off for Real. ArchieGuile Hideout, Maxie and Orm. The first two are subverted with the release of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Chapter. Lamarck Was Right. Golds Pichu. Justified in the context of the games, where learned moves can be inherited from the father. Large Ham. Black. IM GONNA BE CHAMPION OF THE POKEacuteMON LEAGUE. indeed. Lava Is Boiling Kool-Aid. Yellow surfs on lava. Potentially justified in that the surfboard was made from hard light. but they stay in the lava a smidgen too long to have realistically handled the heat. The Leader. Considering its Geodesic Cast. there are several. Notably Trainers Red, Gold, Platinum, and Y of their respective branches of the Dex holders. Also Erika is the leader of the Kanto Gym Leaders (though she admits shed rather defer to Blane), Winona for Hoenn, and Pryce for Johto. Legacy Character. In the OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire chapter, its revealed that Tabitha, Courtney, Matt, and Shelly are lieutenant code-names used by Team AquaMagma. This Retcon was made to explain why these characters look radically different from the original designs as well as not override the fates of the original members of Team AquaMagma. The remaining Admins on each team, Amber and Blaise, didnt get replaced since they were Canon Foreigners in the first place. Lets Get Dangerous. Ruby, whenever he stops being Camp Straight and does regular battling. A big part of why he hates it is because his demeanor changes drastically during a battle, and he scared Sapphire as a child when he fought against a Salamence. His fight with Normans at the Weather institute shows them both getting more dangerous and emotionless as they go on. Level Grinding. Directly referenced by Byron here. Light is Not Good. Dragonite in all of its appearances. A cute, gentle-looking, cream-colored dragon who always poses a threat to the protagonists. (Except for Ultimas.) Limited Wardrobe : Most of the characters pretty much stay in the same outfits all the time with minor, if any, alterations between arcs until future games give them new threads. Justified in that they usually spend their time roaming around. Taken to extremes when in the Ruby and Sapphire arc were given a peek inside in Rubys closet. and all his spare clothing is completely identical to his normal outfit - so much so that he didnt really miss out on anything when he made a more civil outfit for Sapphire On that note Sapphires clothes are pretty much an outfit made for her by Ruby and plants fashioned into a simple tribal outfit . Diamond and Platinum both change outfits to deal with the cold now that winter is setting in (and that Platinum is in a mountain range). Pearl simply rolls his sleeves down. Crys changes outfits at the start of HeartGold and SoulSilver to teach a group of school kids, only to get caught up in trying to stop Team Rocket. When Gold comments on her new threads she gets very defensive. After the arc she seems to have gone back to wearing her old outfit however. Exaggerated: Even in flashbacks showing Dex Holders as younger children, everyone wears the exact same design of clothes they are wearing now. And no, its not like the clothes are shown to be too big for them at that age. At the very least in the anime, characters are shown wearing different clothes when they are younger. The exception is Sapphire, who wore a more frilly dress . Lonely Rich Kid. Platinum didnt have any friends growing up because she spent most of her time reading. Long Hair Is Feminine. Most females in the series. Tomboyish Ponytail turned Compressed Hair for Yellow. Nearly no one can tell that Yellow is a girl unless she isnt wearing her hat. Red, Gold, Crystal, and Blaine were all shocked when Yellows hat is removed, suddenly realizing she was a girl the whole time. Long Runner. Despite the many different Pokeacutemon manga made over the years (and many are still being made), only Pokeacutemon Special (and a gag manga that never reached American shores) started when the franchise did and will likely continue for as long as it has to. Love Triangle. Type 3 - A notable one involves Red with either Green and Misty, Yellow and Green, or Yellow and Misty. However, Misty has rarely appeared lately, thus the most notable ones are Red with Green and Yellow since Red might like Green as seen in the RGB saga and vice versa, especially with her consoling him in FRLG. He might even like Yellow and vice versa (Well. The latter is definitely confirmed . Ruby is in one with Sapphire and Courtney. Luke, I Am Your Father. Silver is Giovannis long-lost son. This was later recursively adapted into the games. Magic Skirt. Pretty much every character who has a skirt. Magikarp Power. The contest driven Ruby is distraught over how ugly his Feebas Mimi looks and wishes it was as beautiful as a Milotic so it could excel in the beauty contests. Guess what Feebas evolves into once its beauty stat is maxed out. Male Gaze : Elesa is first formally introduced with her on her knees and her rear facing the audience. Bianca appears to be incapable of standing up straight as her rear is almost always thrust out. Its all the more pronounced whenever she falls down (which is often) . Skylas hot pants are indeed short enough that part of her rear is visible. Man Child. Crystals hyper mother, who jumps around, has Girlish Pigtails. wears clothing someone her age normally wou ldnt wear, and has a Verbal Tic. though she can be serious when the time comes for it. She is also the one who forced Crys into her HGSS outfit. Market-Based Title : Besides renaming the series from Special to Adventures in Singapore and the US, Viz also gave the Generation IV and V chapters Diamond and PearlPlatinum and Black and White subtitles and renumbered them from the beginning in order to set them apart from each other and the Generation IIIII chapters, as multiple arcs are being published at once (up to three at the same time). Generations II and III themselves have their own labels (Gold amp Silver, Ruby amp Sapphire, FireRed amp LeafGreen, and Emerald) on the covers, but continue their numbering from the previous chapters. Viz also publishes two versions of the Black and White chapter the first with half the rounds per book and dropping Adventures from the title, and the second as normal. X and Y appears to be doing this as well. Additionally, the addition of the Platinum to the Gen IV arc was done to differentiate from the Pokmon: Diamond and Pearl Adventure manga series that Viz had just finished up localizing. Married at Sea. Wallys cousin and her fiance during the Emerald Saga. Marshmallow Hell. When Ys Froakie gets back her clothes after they were stolen, Y hugs the frog to her chest. while the only thing shes wearing topside is a makeshift frubble bra. Masquerading As the Unseen. In Emerald . Gold does this when he wears a replica of Guile Hideout s armor in an attempt to trick Guiles Pokeacutemon into listening to him instead of the real Guile. Master-Apprentice Chain. Averted. Crasher Wake was the one who trained Palmer, Pearls father. Then after that, Palmer was the one who taught Pearl the basics of Pokeacutemon battling and the one who taught him Move Prediction. Years after that, Wake takes on Pearl as his new apprentice to polish his skills even further. Meido. Latiass initial human disguise. Later on shes a journalist, then a nurse. All of them are rather modest, but really cute. Mind Rape. Happens twice to Green, first with Sabrina in Red and Blue . and then again in Gold, Silver, and Crystal . Both times, a Psychic-type Pokeacutemon forces her to remember her childhood with the Masked Man . My God, What Have I Done. Ruby when he realized that he had been mistreating Mimi and caused her to run away. and also when Sapphire chews him out for not carring about what happens to Hoenn. Mythology Gag : The changing patterns on Agathas Arbok is based on concept art. Greens bubble microphone and Pikas babysitting of Yellows Caterpie are homages to the Hey You, Pikachu game. The feature added to the Pokeacutedex midway through Yellow allows the heroes to vaguely read Pikachus thoughts and emotions, similar to a feature in the Pokeacutemon Yellow game. FireRed and LeafGreen opens on a fight between a Gengar and a Nidorino . just like the intro in the original games. At the Goldenrod Game Corner, someone is playing Pokmon Pinball . Todd is given a job to take pictures at Pokmon Snap s Pokeacutemon Island. Guiles plans in the Emerald chapter are pretty much identical to Butlers. but with Kyogre instead of Groudon. There are a few shout outs to the anime such as Mewtwos limiting armor in FireRed and LeafGreen . and Mewtwo himself has a personality similar to the Mewtwo from Pokmon: Mewtwo Returns . The eyelash of Mew fossil from the first movie was retconned into Mewtwos backstory. Sird is based on a design from the Pokeacutemon trading card game. It turns out that, much like in the animes first movie, several characters were turned to stone due to Mewtwo using a blast to cancel out another Pokeacutemons attack. Diamonds mother, Johanna, has a Glameow like her anime counterpart. Hayley, from My Pokmon Ranch . makes a cameo appearance during the battle at Sky Pillar. Likewise, earlier during the FireRed and LeafGreen . Bridgette from Pokeacutemon Box Ruby amp Sapphire is an important supporting character. When the Shadow Triad are discussing about the Dark Stone and Zekrom, said Pokeacutemon is depicted in a pose reminiscent of Ryougas first transformation from Pokemon Reburst . Grimsley plays Card Flip, a minigame that only appeared in the Gold and Silver games. Never Mess with Granny : Agatha, or shell suck out your soul The Sevii Islands Move Tutor (Kiwame in Japan, Kimberly in Singapore, Ultima in the US) too or shell hit you hard with her staff. Nice Hat. Except for the Rival Dex Holders, Emerald, and Green (in the first 3 arcs), all of the main characters have a hat. Yellows is the most ornate, though. It also has the most plot significance, as, during her arc, it hides her real gender and also contains a microphone for Green to listen in on her journey. Later, during the GSC arc, its revealed that the two feathers adorning it are really the Rainbow Wing and Silver Wing. Rubys hat also covers a scar that he got from rescuing Sapphire from a Salamence when they were younger. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero : Giovanni helps out Yellow in fighting Lance, and wouldve defeated him flawlessly if he didnt bring his badge, which allows Lance to summon Lugia. Buck tries to protect the Magma Stone from Team Galactic. By doing so, he awakens their true target, Heatran, and leads them right to it. Everything that the Johto trio did in HeartGold and SoulSilver to get Arceus away from Team Rocket in fact allowed the bad guys to capture and control it. The Dark Stone is protected in Lenoras impenetrable underground officegym and the only key is destroyed. Black, however, remembers how to get in from his Gym challenge and a Plasma grunt disguised as Brycen tricks him into opening it. The Nicknamer : Most of the Dex Holders (and a couple other characters) nickname their Pokeacutemon. Gold likes to give (often negative) nicknames to other characters, such as Prissy Boy for Ruby and Strict Woman for Crystal. No Infantile Amnesia. Played with. While Green remembers being abducted at age of 5 by the Tower Duo, (which later causes her ornitophobia) Silver doesnt because he was 2. No Ontological Inertia. Averted in the first gen chapters. Team Rocket introduced a mass amount of non-native and over-leveled Pokeacutemon into the Viridian Forest as to breed the ultimate army. Even after Team Rocket is defeated the first time and all their schemes no longer active, the Pokeacutemon are still in the Forest, occasionally rampaging and attacking people. No Name Given : A few reoccurring characters dont get formally named, such as Crystals mother. Lady Platinum Berlitzs first name was unknown for the first part of Diamond and Pearl because the writer didnt know the name of the then-unreleased (but inevitable) third version. Non Human Side Kick. There is all of the heroes Pokeacutemon teams, but this is most fitting for their to their first ones (Ex. Golds Aipom and Silvers Sneasel). Not the Fall That Kills You : After Gigi goes with N, White falls off the Nimbasa Ferris Wheel and her body is perfectly fine except for some mental trauma afterwards. She didnt fall off at the wheels highest point she was getting ready to jump off from a safe distance but fell off when she wasnt ready . Obfuscating Stupidity : Rubys actually a very competent battler, he just doesnt want to show it because he gets extremely serious when doing so. Diamond apparently knew that he and Pearl werent supposed to be with Platinum during Diamond and Pearl . The Ojou. Lady Platinum Berlitz, Misty, and Erika. Off Model : During Rubys Kamehame Hadoken style releasing of Celebi. his left thumb is on the wrong side of his hand. In Jupiters debut. well. erm. legs do not connect to the body that way. Quite a few instances depict Platinum with her diamond ring on her right hand and her pearl ring on her left (when it should have been vice versa). Offscreen Moment of Awesome. After the main crisis in Emerald is dealt with, Emerald still has one more Frontier Symbol to get. The venue is in good condition, but its a tournament format and Trainers are needed to staff it. The people present realize that there are ten Pokeacutedex Holders right there . and the owner loves the idea of a celebrity tournament to promote the Battle Frontier. cut to an epilogue a week later. Crystal shows us the tournament bracket and mentions that she lost to Green in the first round, plus Emerald can be assumed to have won and received the Symbol, but thats all the detail we get. Oh, Crap : Yellows Omanyte who had a rather cute, comical one when a Tentacruel shows up. Complete with censored speech bubble. Ruby loses it when Norman shows up at the Weather Institute. Darach absolutely freaks when Caitlin momentarily loses control over her psychic powers. Old Master. Professor Oak certainly counts. Juan and E4 Drake too. Once a Season. More like once a generation finishes, so far. Someone (usually Red) will suggest doing something together and the rest of the cast will suddenly turn all chibi and surprised. Also Blues obnoxious girl comment on Green. Which is followed by a glare from Silver. Played straight with Dia and Pearls Manzai routines. One-Letter Name. The protagonists of the XY arc are named, well. X and Y. The official English translation has Ys real name be Yvonne though, and the French translation also has Xs real name be Xavier. N could also count, but if hes like his game counterpart, then his real name should be Natural Harmonia Gropius. One Steve Limit. Averted in the Viz version as it followed game accuracy a construction worker has a Psyduck named Yellow. Averted with a few of the chapter names. Both chapters 13 and 367 are named Vs. Psyduck. Both chapter 27 and chapter 32 are Vs. Kadabra and chapters 25 and 31 are are both Vs. Articuno. The Only One Allowed to Defeat You. Gold goes so far as to deliberately give the police an incorrect description of Silver in order to be this. Open-Minded Parent. Golds mother. Sapphires dad (Professor Birch) is also quite lenient in allowing his daughter to collect research data in the wild and travel the entire Hoenn region for months. Orwellian Retcon. Sometimes minor to major details (art and dialogue) from the magazines get changed around in the official volumes. For example, Platinums scarf, Pokeacutedex, Pokeacutetch, and bike were originally pink, but they were changed to red later. Out-of-Character Alert. When Essentia knocks Y out, steals her Xerneas, and disguises herself as Y to the group, X is quickly able to see through the ruse due to her not apologizing for going off on her own and referring to him as anata (a more personal way of saying you in Japanese). Out of Focus. Red in the Yellow Chapter. and Gold and Silver during a good deal of the GSC arc, which switches to Crystal unexpectedly after a cliffhanger. Out of Order. Its pretty hard to piece together a timeline from the magazine releases alone due to the confusing way theyre released. Fans have to wait until the volumes come out to figure out when what happens. Viz didnt start releasing the Gen III chapters until Gens IV and V had already started. Theres also the fact that for a few years theyve published multiple arcs concurrently in order to catch up to the Japanese releases, so following that release schedule means youre skipping around quite a bit. This eventually had a Marth Debuted in Smash Bros. effect, as the big shocking reveal of Sird in DiamondPearlPlatinum fell flat since Viz hadnt released the FireRedLeafGreen or Emerald chapters, so English readers had never seen her before. Carr also showed up in a HeartGoldSoulSilver scene before his original appearance in FRLG . Pacing Problems. Both the Platinum and HGSS chapters ran into this, even with being serialized in multiple magazines. Parental Abandonment. For some reason all the Dex Holders, except for Ruby and Green, either has only one parent or none at all (and the latter two dont exactly have perfect family histories). Platinum also turns out to have both a mother and father. Strangely enough, Red is the most well-adjusted Dex Holder despite the fact that he has absolutely no relatives none have ever been mentioned or hinted at. Its interesting in the FLRG arc when he muses that he probably isnt fighting as hard as Blue and Green because he doesnt have any family to protectrescue. Personality Swap. One story had Red and Blues Pokeacutemon swapped. By the end, even their attitudes were switched around. Pet the Dog. Giovanni is pretty much EVIL, but he actually really likes his son. and will even rescue his mortal enemies if he is in a good mood. (One wonders what sort of odd honor system the guy has. ) The formerly evil gym leaders get some in the GSC arc. Koga shows up with Bruno to save Red and Blue, Lt. Surge helps free the brainwashed Team Rocket soldiers from the Masked Mans control, and Sabrina helps out Red, at the same time asking if Eevee is well, showing regret on how helping to torture it years ago. Even before that, the Rocket admins kept to their Exact Words and helped the Dex Holders beat (one each) of the Elite Four. Pintsized Powerhouse. Several of the smaller and supposedly weaker Pokeacutemon owned by the various Dex Holders are able to kick all kinds of ass, the original being Reds Pika, but also including Golds Aibo, Silvers Sneasel, and Yellows entire team (initially), just to name a few. For the freaking awesomest example of this trope in the whole series, Pryce in the HGSS chapter takes on Dialga. With a Swinub . Playing Possum. At one point Koga captures Blue and has a Grimer restraining him when Blue tries to fight back Koga has his Golbat use Razor Wind on him. Blue is seemingly knocked out from this, but it later turns out that the pendant he was wearing at the time protected him, and he was just lying still because he knew if he pretended he was passed out Koga would eventually call off the Grimer. It worked. Playing Tennis with the Boss. Guile can reflect Pokeacutemon attacks back with his sword. Please Wake Up. Pearl after Diamond saves him from Gratinas Shadow ForcePearl . You just fainted right Th-this isnt funny Dia. Its one of those one offs, right Youre going to get up now and say Im Poke-aayy right Pokmon Speak. Mostly averted, with the exception of Reds Pikachu that does this rarely. Viz added SFX that follows this trope in a few spots, but not as a common occurrence. Makes sense that Pokeacutemon in this world dont say their names seeing how other countries have their own languages and their own names for all the different species of Pokeacutemon. Police Are Useless. As per with the rest of the franchise. Except for Falkner, but thats only because hes a Gym Leader as well. On the plus side, its actually expected of the Gym Leaders to handle criminal organizations. Precision F-Strike. Varies with the translator, but Captain Eldritch has one when he forgets to steer the ship and it heads towards the rock. Prequel. Despite being written afterwards, the HGSS chapter in fact happened before the DP Pt ones, setting up many events for the Sinnoh saga like the birth of Dias Munchlax. Pronoun Trouble. In the Chuang Yi version, Yellow is referred to as he by her uncle and Professor Oak when they speak to Crystal. In the Japanese a genderless pronoun was used. Its much harder to hide her gender when talking about her in English. Somewhat averted in the Viz version, as Oak and Wilton avoid using pronouns when they talk to Crystal about Yellow. Surprisingly, they do it in a way that doesnt sound too awkward. Properly Paranoid. After the Kalos kids accidentally gave their names to a Team Flare member, they have taken several steps to ensure that they will not be located so easily, all of which basically boils down to staying away from strangers while sticking together no matter what. When Shauna runs off on her own, she easily gets lured by what she believes is someone who shares her interests and ends up Brainwashed and Crazy . Punctuated For Emphasis. I shall guard the exit. With My Life Didnt work as he got swatted off pretty quickly. Also in the RS arc. Archie . All who stand in our way shall die. and die. and die GO TO HELL Put Down Your Gun and Step Away. Wallace and Gold gets thrown one of these in the RS and GSC arcs respectively. Dia also got thrown with one of these in the DP arc, but he manages to retaliate quickly. Put on a Bus. at the end of every arc the previous generations heroes step out of the spolight. The Bus Came Back. only to show up again down the line helping out the new generation or getting their help with a problem theyre having. Red String of Fate. Between Red and Yellow at the end of the Yellow arc. Also somewhat in FRLG with Yellows fishing line. Of course, said strings probably werent red, but the symbolism is still clear with their pinky fingers being connected and Yellow having a massive crush on an oblivious Red . Red Oni, Blue Oni. Besides Red and Blue, Archie and Maxie. Sapphire and Ruby too. Or Ruby and Norman. Take your pick. Gold and Silver (much to Silvers annoyance) Diamond and Pearl. They even use it in their double act. The Rival. Red and Blue (Green in the original Japanese version), Gold and Silver, Crystal and Eusine, Ruby and Sapphire. Scissors Cuts Rock. Reds Pikachu is able to take out Brocks Onix with a well-placed Thundershock. (Despite the fact that it shouldnt be able to, but the series was still young, so most people just ignore it.) Rotating Arcs. In keeping with the nature of the games, instead of a single long Myth Arc. the manga focuses on (loosely) adapting the story of one generation of games then putting a new cast and story in the spotlight for the next. Previous characters are referenced and previous protagonists may make significant appearances, but in general the focus is on the current generation. Rule of Cool. Team Rockets Battleship has transformed into a mid-air battle stadium Rummage Fail. Neatly averted as the top half of the Pokeacuteballs are transluscent so you can see the Pokeacutemon inside. Handy Running Gag. In the early parts of the DP arc, Platinum would try to imitate some actions that seem new and interesting to her. But quickly stops when Pearl notices. And when confronted by Pearl about said action:Pearl . (Sweatdrops) You did a (Action she was doing a while ago) just now, didnt you Platinum . (Nonchalant) I did not. Pearl . You definitely did Platinum . I definitely did not. Stop being a pest. Video Game Final Fantasy XII Not lightly will the Occuria allow you to wrest the reins of history from their grasp, back in the hands of Man. Final Fantasy XII is the twelfth game in the butt-blisteringly popular Final Fantasy RPG series, and the first main game in the series to be set in Ivalice. Its a standalone prequel to Final Fantasy Tactics and takes place in the era of Ivalice that the dream land of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was created from. The story begins with the defeat of the Kingdom of Dalmasca at the hands of the powerful Archadian Empire, and subsequent occupation. Two years later, an energetic young street thief called Vaan finds himself sucked into the languishing resistance movement led by none other than Ashelia Bnargin Dalmasca, princess heir to the Dalmascan throne, thought dead. Ashe is determined to regain her kingdom and take revenge against the Archadians, and the key to this might just be the legendary nethicite once used by her ancestor to unite Ivalice under his rule. The story is also about Basch fon Ronsenberg, a proud knight of Dalmasca thought to have betrayed his king on the eve of Dalmascas defeat, now imprisoned in a cell far from human contact. Its about a dashing Sky Pirate called Balthier and his frosty Viera co-pilot Fran, who have their eye on the riches they can acquire while tagging along with Ashe. Its about Penelo, Vaans childhood friend who finds herself yanked into the chain of events thanks to her relationship with Vaan. Its about Archadian nobleman Vayne Solidor and his ruthless campaign of intrigue and reformation. and about his young brother Larsa, who wishes to unravel the web of deceit his brother has woven. Final Fantasy XII is a complicated and detailed game noticeably different in storyline from other Final Fantasy games whilst other games focus on individual characters, XII is less about people and more a story of Nations and nationalism, and the lengths some will go to gain power and control destiny. Thats not to say it isnt a character study, with Judge Gabranths clouded conscience and dark history being one of the major subplots - and hence why hes on the boxart. Its full of intrigue and interweaving stories, tactical team-based fighting, well-crafted dialogue and Limit Breaks (here called Quickenings). It explores the ideas of freedom, revenge, loyalty, peace, and the importance of dreams. Its also a Deconstruction of the Find powerful McGuffin to Save The World plot thats been around as long as the genre has, taking a much more sombre look at the pursuit of what is essentially a Weapon of Mass Destruction and the lengths to which people would go to gain 8212 or regain 8212 power. And, as you may gather below and on some of the sub-pages, FFXII is a little uneven in its treatment of all this. The game had a deeply troubled production history that culminated in longtime Square-Enix veteran Yasumi Matsuno suffering a severe depressive episode and quitting his role as director and eventually leaving the company. While the final game has many virtues, it still has places where its clear the games production route took its toll. The game happily ties in old Final Fantasy adversaries, as well: Gilgamesh makes his requisite cameo, as do several of the main antagonists from the earliest iterations of the series, as optional summoned beasts. note Chaos and his Elementals, Emperor Mateus, Zeromus, and Ex-DeathExodus. Still, its very much a standalone title that can be played without having any previous Square Soft knowledge. It is also the first in the series to go into extreme detail on the nature of items and locations. Expect to find tufts of Phoenix Down and strips of rotten flesh instead of just the items, thorough explanations on the topics of evolutionary biology and monster habitats, a comprehensive history of Ivalice and its tribes and races, and incredible amounts of flavor text in every page of the in-game encyclopedia. For the first time since Final Fantasy II . the player has the option of strategizing around weapon types and character skills almost indefinitely, and to explore the whole world from the very start of the game. Its also noticeable as having a step up in difficulty compared to previous installments, and demanding more hours of investment from the player. Whereas in previous games you can level up reasonably well by just defeating every enemy you encounter en route from point A to point B, in XII enemies in one area can be very easy and in the next Nintendo Hard. so the game will force you to level grind just to progress with the plot. This game provides examples of: openclose all folders Absurdly Spacious Sewer. The Garamsythe Waterway. The in-game codex makes it clear that it actually isnt a sewer, but an underground channel used to bring water to the city, since Rabanastre is in the middle of a desert hence the sluice control valve to prevent flooding. Its uncleanliness and infestation has gotten to sewer levels because Cuchulainn is there . Achievement System. The Sky Pirates Den gradually collects sprites as the player meets certain tasks like completing story mode or hunting down rare Elite Marks. Each sprite in the Den clearly details the accomplishment it was awarded for. Action Commands. During the Quickenings. Added Alliterative Appeal. This gem of a line from Balthier: Balthier . Ah, the prison repository of wrested relics and raiments. Vaan . So our things are in here Adult Fear. The Antlion hunt revolves around this. The person who posted the hunt is a mother whose children went to explore the mines while said monster was on the rampage. All There in the Manual. Theres a much more complicated story here than most fans give it credit for, but considering the development team behind it. youll be doing a lot of reading and deciphering a lot of subtext if you want the full picture. A lot of cool ideas, such as the backstories for the Espers, that were probably left on the cutting room floor have at least some existence as text background in the Bestiary. Always Chaotic Evil. The Urutan-Yensa and the Baknamy are universally reviled and nobody has anything nice to say about them. An Aesop. Revenge solves nothing. Antidote Effect. Subverted. Poison is a pretty hazardous status ailment, and you dont want it to compound (Poison Sap will make your HP go down the drain quickly). The game mechanics (items are used nearly instantly) help it a lot. Anyone Can Die. None of the six main characters, mind you, but the death toll for this story is reasonably high. Reks, King Raminas, and Rasler all perish during the prologue, all but one of the Judge Magisters die, all but one of the Guest Star Party Members die, everyone in Nabudis prior to the main events, and anyone else the Occuria mightve exterminated through the use of Dynast Kings much like Raithwall . Applied Phlebotinum. Mist. Appears as a fog in high concentration, Mist increases the power of magic, causes mutations in monsters, and can have negative effects on the environment. It can also cause races that are sensitive to it, such as Viera, physical discomfort . Arbitrary Headcount Limit. Only three active characters at a time, proving once and for all that three is too few. The game gets much easier when you have a Guest-Star Party Member. At least Lazy Backup is averted. Arc Words. The reins of history back in the hands of man. Artificial Brilliance Artificial Stupidity. What you get depends on how you set up your Gambits 8212 they can do a lot, but they cant do everything, and relying on them to fight all your battles for you will find you frustrated and possibly dead. On the Brilliance side, Gambits to cast healing spells or use healing items only execute once when appropriate. For example, if you have all three party members with Gambits to use Eye Drops on an ally inflicted with Blind, the first party member to get their next turn will use Eye Drops on the Blinded ally and the other two will keep fighting, unless more than one person has been inflicted with Blind. Allies can also detect an enemys elemental weaknesses even if you dont know them, so Gambits that trigger when fighting an enemy weak to a certain element will go off appropriately. On the Stupidity side, Gambits for Steal and Poach will continue to execute as long as the conditions are met again, even if the enemy in question has already be Stolen from (and thus cannot be Stolen from again) or is immune to Poach. Theres no Gambit that can tell if an enemy has an item to Steal or if theyre immune to Poach, so this can happen no matter what the trigger condition for those Gambits is. For Gambits that target allies with Cura or Curaja, or enemies with group-hitting spells, the caster cannot pick targets intelligently, leading to a healing spell going off but by the time it affects an ally theyve been killed, or a damaging spell targeting an enemy that dies before it is cast and thus the time spent charging the spell is wasted. Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence. The Occuria. Not that it stops them from meddling in the affairs of Ivalice and ensuring history follows the correct path theyve decided to chart for it. Awesome, but Impractical. Espers cannot be controlled, but they can be killed and so require healing and buffing like normal party members if you want to get any real use out of them, and a lot of the optional Espers cannot be acquired until late in the game. Furthermore, the strongest Espers require three Mist Charges to summon 8212 that is, you need to give up all your MP. The Esper will go away, too, if its master is KOd. It simply isnt worth it. The International Version fixes this by letting Espers be controllable, and the player can Syphon MP from the Espers, as they get summoned with full MP Gauges and none of their attacks require any. That was likely put in there to counteract using a lot of MP to summon an Esper. Zalera can be pretty useful for sweeping lower mooks you dont want to fight, provided they are vulnerable to instant death. Bad Bad Acting. Listen carefully to Basch during the assassination scene during the prologue. Thats not bad acting thats Gabranth not quite managing to imitate his brother. Bait-and-Switch Boss. In the Necrohol of Nabudis, where a Catoblepas is slaughtered by Fury, an adorable little bunny . Bare-Fisted Monk Kung-Fu Wizard. With proper set ups, your party can become this, and one license on the grid board powers up your strength when fighting barehanded. Final Boss Vayne starts the first phase of his fight by attacking you with powerful magic and his own fists and feet Bare Your Midriff. In addition to the party outfits, this type of fashion is widespread in Dalmasca. Bat out of Hell. Several varieties, including some that drink blood. A rare variation of one drinks sap instead. Become Your Weapon. The final battle is broken into three separate battles, the last of which sees Vayne and Venat fusing. Beef Gate. Contrary to most other Final Fantasy games, which tend to be rather linear, XIIs world is as wide-open as the old-school NES games, with the same empowered enemies waiting for you if you go somewhere youre not supposed to. However, level grinding to be able to take them allows players to go to areas theyre not meant to access yet and get equipment and spells ahead of time. Berserk Button. Venat is a HERETIC The Big Bad Shuffle. At first Vayne is presented as the main villain, but as the game progresses attention turns to Dr. Cid as the main researcher for Arcadias weapons technology including nethicite. Then you find out Cid is just a puppet for Venat who is using him to manipulate the world political stage. Then near the end of the game you find out its more friendship than manipulation between the two, and Vayne is also in on their plan. Vayne is widely considered the central Big Bad since hes The Emperor and the Final Boss. but Cid and Venat are also strong candidates to the title. Bookends. The tutorialintro culminates in Gabranth impersonating Basch to kill King Raminas and ensure Dalmascas fall. During the ending cutscene, Basch impersonates Gabranth to stop the battling fleets before Dalmasca is destroyed in the crossfire . Bonus Boss. Many of them. Bonus Dungeon. Again, many. Boss in Mook Clothing. Several around the world map. If an scary-looking enemy is docile, its probably for a reason. Theres even a Schmuck Bait version of this in the very first area of the game. If youre stupid enough to anger the GIANT T-REX, you may be Too Dumb to Live. Boss Room. All those bosses need to live somewhere, right Boring, but Practical. The Steal Technick. You start the game with it, half your party starts with the License for it, and the ones that dont can acquire it quickly. Stealing from enemies will quickly give you a big boost in your loot income, and its fairly simple to set up your gambits so you attempt to Steal from enemies at least once before you kill them. Bragging Rights Reward. A lot of the best stuff in the game is so hard to acquire that it can fall into this do you really need it so bad if you can spend hours fighting powerful enemies to acquire it The Wyrmhero Blade. The highest attack in the game, automatically grants Bravery and Faith status, and has an 80 combo rate. But to get it you need to beat Yiazmat (which is only unlocked after completing the other 44 hunts) and Omega Mk. XII. Thus, by the time you can get the blade, youve beaten the games strongest enemies. All thats left is hunting rare enemies and elementals for rare loot and killing the optional Espers, which youre obviously strong enough to do without it. The Tournesol is not much better. Getting it requires several hours hunting down rare and powerful enemies to farm rare loot from them, and its a Guide Dang It from start to finish to know that you need those loot items. Your reward is one of the best weapons in the game, but as good as the Tournesol is, you can finish the game just fine without it. Other ultimate items (Danjuro, Yagyu Darkblade, Staff of the Magi, Grand Armor, Grand Helm) have a single digit percentage of dropping from Rare enemies that only spawn under specific circumstances. Brick Joke. The petitioner for the Wraith mark mentions the ghost has begun haunting the Garamsythe Waterway and suspects it came into being to seek vengeance for the slain rats and other vermin living in the sewers. Guess what Vaan spent his time doing to train prior to the game If you talk to the petitioner several times, she actually subtly implies she knows Vaan is the culprit: Im not pointing any fingers here. Broken Aesop. At the end of the Gil Snapper hunt, Elder Brunoa gives a speech about how its wrong to kill animals to sell parts of them at market, in a game where this is your primary source of income, at the end of a mission where you killed an animal just because someone was willing to pay you to do so. In an area not too far away from packs of Worgen, which occasionally drop a loot item worth more than a thousand gil, no less. Broken Bridge. It wouldnt be Final Fantasy without them. While there are plenty of opportunities to wander into areas with monsters stronger than you are meant to face yet, all the paths to places important to the plot are locked via gates, bridges, weather, Imperial guards, etc. You can get into the Mosphoran Highwaste long before youre meant to by spooking a guard with a chocobo, but even that option is a Broken Bridge at the beginning of the game. Many areas around Dalmasca lie in jagd areas where skystones, the magicite that powers airships, do not function. This prevents you from simply flying everywhere in the Strahl and forces you to walk, until the late game when you get a skystone that can function in jagd. Central Theme : Grey and Gray Morality 8212 your heroes are not all that virtuous or noble at times, and their enemies are not cardboard cut-out evil. Associated with this is War Is Hell and what it can do to people. The examination of what is truly important when it comes to being loyal to a kingdom 8212 loyalty to its ideals, its people, its rulers, or the physical kingdom itself, and if any of these should be sacrificed for the sake of the others. What true power really is 8212 is it military might, physical strength, emotional strength, or the value of your lineage And what are the moral ways to use those types of power Family . Both losing it literally or being estranged from it. And what leads one to that as well as how it affects you. Vaan is an orphan following the death of his brother and his desire to avenge him as well as his status as an orphan street urchin defines and drives his motivations. Ashe lost both her husband and her father in the war and yet her duty as Princess require her to push on. Basch and his brother are on opposite sides of the war following the loss of their mother and their conflict forms much of the story. Balthier and Fran both split from their family over ideological reasons and cut off all ties with them. Vayne wants to secure his familys control and legacy against those who would threaten it (The Senate rival houses of the Empire the occuria). This drives him to actions that cost him his family members both literally as he kills his father and through driving Larsa to oppose him. Chainmail Bikini. Weirdly, while the Archadian soldiers all wear full armor, a lot of the Dalmascan soldiers seen in the opening cutscenes fight with plate armor with no mail undershirt or other armor and noticeable gaps between the plates. Rasler himself is shot through the very wide opening around the throat of his armor during the Battle of Nalbina Fortress, something he might have survived if the hole had never been there in the first place. Character Filibuster. Gerun sweet-talks Ashe for close to five minutes straight, barely letting her get a word in edgewise, and when she finally asks a legitimate question, it goes ballistic . Chekhovs Gun. An early cutscene introduces Balthiers voice changer device. Its completely forgotten until the very end of the game, when Vaan uses it to impersonate Larsa, and Basch uses it impersonate Gabranth. Chest Monster. And in case you thought killer save points were limited to I Wanna Be the Guy . theyre here too. Class and Level System. In the International Zodiac Job version, you have to pick your job before you can start getting licenses for that character, but thankfully earned LP up to that point is still retained. You cant change classes once chosen like in other FF games, however. Some characters are naturally better at some jobs than others due to their base stat growth. The jobs available are: Archer: Fights with a bow and wears light armor, standard bowman archetype. Black Mage: Casts offensive black magic and a few green magic spells, wears cloth armor. Generally the best class for Penelo. Breaker: Uses axes and hammers with shields and heavy armor. Pure offensive power. Best used for Balthier and especially Fran. Knight: Uses swords and broadswords with heavy armor, and learns defensive magic. Good for Balthier or Basch. Machinist: Uses guns with light armor. Good for characters with high speed stat. Monk: Fights barefisted or with poles, wears light armor. Requires high strength characters. Monofunu: Samurai class, fights with katana and cloth armor. Generally regarded as Ashes best class. Red Mage: Fights using all forms of magic (along with staves and cloth armor), but misses out on the last 2 tiers of each. Good for high magic characters. Shikari: Combination of hunter and ninja classes, fights with daggers and ninja swords and wears light armor. Ties with Monofunu as Vaans best class. Time Mage: Fights with buffing and debuffing spells, uses crossbows and heavy armor. One of the better choices for Fran. Uhlan: Dragoon class, fights with spears and heavy armor. One of Baschs best classes. White Mage: The healer, fights with rods and cloth armor. Penelo and Ashe both perform excellently at it. Classically Trained Extra. The majority of the voice actors are classically trained theatre actors, some of whom had no prior voice acting credits and were simply chosen because of their theatrical experience. Thanks to a combination of good choices and Woolseyisms. it worked very well. The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard. Though the main storyline can be played through without much difficulty, the optional bosses cheat like hell: They disable parts of the battle menu . They get a massive boost in attack, defense, attack speed, and even a damage cap at critical health . They have status spells, up to and including instant-kill attacks, that land at much higher rates than your own . They put up a paling to make themselves immune to physical damage, a barrier to become immune to Magick attacks, or both at once . Some use a certain ability to double their level . making them one-hit kill your party members with regular attacks. Late game bosses and many marks have a CT0 ability that triggers once their HP falls to a certain amount. This ability lets the enemy attack at any time without having to wait for the charge time, meaning they can attack as fast as their attack animations can allow it. If you have your battle speed set to low, this will work heavily against you as the enemy wails on you while you wait for your turn to come up. Lord help you if this enemy is Hasted. Some bosses also have null evasion as a passive ability, which means their attacks never miss. A lot of bosses and some regular enemies have null vitality, which lets their status abilities hit every. single. time. unless you are immune to the effect in question. Also, most enemy abilities are programmed in as Technicks, meaning that they have no MP cost and bypass Silence. Competitive Balance : Vaan is the Master of All being able to comfortably slide into any role, Balthier is a Lightning Bruiser while not as strong and durable as Vaan and Basch has higher speed but low magickal talent, Fran is the Master of None with no strengths in particular but no glaring flaws other then general mediocrity, Basch is a Mighty Glacier being the strongest but suffering from low speed and poor magic. Ashe is a Glass Cannon Magic Knight with fair strength and powerful magick but low speed and health, and Penelo is a textbook Squishy Wizard with high magical stats but low physical stats. In terms of equipment, every weapon type has different speed at which it attacks, different combo rates to chain consecutive attacks, and use different stats to calculate damage, as well as variably being one-handed, two-handled, or long-range. Additionally, the three armor types raise different stats heavy armor boosts Strength and has the best physical defense boosts, mage armor boosts Magic and has the best magical defense boosts, and light armor boosts HP and is balanced between physical and magical defense. Cool Mask. The Judge Magisters and the Garifs helmets. The latter is lampshaded by the cockatrice Shurry when she escapes Giza into Jahara. Creating Life Is Bad. The extra bestiary entries for the Urutan-Yensa are project notes of the man who created the mimics as living weapons. Cute Monster Girl. The Viera, who are bunny-girls. You just never see the males in-game. Death and the Maiden. Zalera the Death Seraph is depicted as a horned Lich-like monster carrying a semi-naked woman in his right arm. According to the lore surrounding him, he was tasked with judging the souls of the damned but rebelled against the gods, and the woman is a shamaness who he abducted in a bid to increase his powers. Deconstructor Fleet. The Kid Hero is a Decoy Protagonist. the Determinator is so focused on her goal that she almost causes a world war, the Evil Genius Mad Scientist is neither evil or mad, and the Evil Twin is just like his brother but reacted differently to the same events. Dem Bones. Quite a few varieties. Developers Foresight : You get your first hunt assigned to you during the progression of the story, but if you forget to go back to Tomaj for your reward until after a number of other plot events 8212 such as after youve gotten back from Nalbina 8212 hell complain about how long you took and say that he already heard about your success from someone else. Hell still give you your reward, of course. Two guards block the entrance to the Mosphorean Highwaste from Nalbina Fortress. If you Sequence Break and get into the Highwaste another way then come back through the Fortress, they wonder how you got in and survived the trip through, and then offer to let you through this one time, or you can turn back. The Henne Mines can only be reached via chocobo paths, or using the gate crystal in the dungeon. On the unfortunate chance you warp to the mines and dont have a teleport stone to warp away, theres a docile chocobo loitering around outside the mines so you wont be trapped there. The International version removes the Zodiac Spear run from the game, mainly due to balance purposes (your jobs make tend to make you a lot stronger for most of the game now that youre focused). If you talk to an NPC next to the first jar to avoid, he says along the lines of you can go ahead and grab this treasure here, that thing can no longer be obtained that way. Dinosaurs Are Dragons. Or rather, dinosaurs are part of the dragon genus, along with wyrms and wyverns. Disc One Final Boss Dungeon. Averted or outright subverted. Major boss battles happen to include very important plot points used, like how the Manufacted Nethicite is revealed during an boss battle with Tiamat due to Mjrns twisted inflence from the Nethicite itself. This is because the Undying have an indirect control through the Nethicite. Disc One Nuke. The game seems purposefully designed to allow players to find powerful weapons and armor well before they become available in stores 8212 if the player knows where to go and is willing and patient enough to fight powerful enemies over and over to farm the items. The Zodiac Spear, one of the best weapons in the game with power at least double the other entries listed here, can be acquired as soon as you set out to the Jahara. All thats stopping you is a Beef Gate. nothing a bit of level grinding cant fix. After killing eight of the optional bosses or marks, you can get the the Nihopalaoa. It causes all items in your inventory to have the opposite effect. Combine this with a Remedy and you can inflict every status effect in the game on a single enemy almost instantly, while also allowing turning the Phoenix Down into an item that inflicts Instant Death. From there the games difficulty comes toppling down like a row of dominoes. The Deathbringer, normally sold in the final town, can be found in Raithwalls Tomb, though with a very low spawn rate. The Burning Bow is dropped by the Dive Talon, which is found in the Westersand, which can be accessed as soon as Vaan beats the Rogue Tomato. The Bow normally doesnt become available for purchase until you head to Arcadia, more than a third of the way through the game. The Gladius, a mid-powered dagger normally sold at the Jahara, can be stolen from another enemy in the Westerstand. The Kotetsu, the first katana-type weapon (also normally not available until Jahara) can be dropped by an enemy on the Giza Plains, again accessible right after Vaan beats the Rogue Tomato. The Arcturus, the second most-powerful gun, can be unlocked at the Bazaar when you get to Raithwalls Tomb, provided you know the three loot items to unlock it. Meanwhile the Fomalhaut, the most powerful gun, can be found in the Lhusu Mines once you reach Mt. Bur-Omisace. Disposable Woman. Judge Drace. who gets maybe ten minutes of screen-time before getting killed by Gabranth so he could continue to protect Larsa. Granted, all ten of those minutes are raw awesome . but its kind of egregious considering shes the only major female character outside of the main party . Dracolich. You can run into several types of these including a couple of rare monsters and a boss. Drought Level of Doom. The game can be like this when trekking between key locations. The long road can wear you down with nary a save crystal or a shop in sight as you waste MP and items on monsters that keep swarming you. Dub-Induced Plot Hole. In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance . the initial party has fixed names in the Japanese version but random names in the English one. These hurts the Mythology Gag of the Clan Centurio members being the same people. Dub Name Change : Balflear - gt Balthier Pannero - gt Penelo Ashe (pronounced ah-sheh in Japan) - gt Ashe (pronounced ash in English) Dungeon Crawling. Definitely more of a feeling of this here than in previous games in the series. Eldritch Abomination. Pretty much the majority of the optional bosses. Zodiark, for one. Elemental Tiers. The elemental weapons vary wildly in power. Often they are only effective in the chapter they are first available. You only get the first water-elemental spell, skip the second wind-elemental spell and have a fourth Fire spell called Ardor. In addition (and this seems to be a Final Fantasy tradition), you get no abilities that deal earth damage. Another example. Each Esper is associated with an element, but they are divided into three tiers. Tier 1 includes Belias, the Fire Esper Mateus, the Ice Esper Adrammelech, the Lightning Esper and Zalera, the Esper of Death . Tier 2 includes Shemhazai, the Soul Esper Cu Chulainn, the Poison Esper Exodus, the Non-elemental Esper Hashmal, the Earth Esper and Zeromus, the Gravity Esper . Tier 3 includes Famfrit, the Water Esper Chaos, the Wind Esper Ultima, the Holy Esper and Zodiark, the Dark Esper. Also, despite his affinity with Wind, Chaos can use all elements except Earth (which is his opposite element ). Yet another example. In this game, after performing a chain of Quickenings. you may perform an extra attack called a Concurrence. There are eight Concurrences, and while they all do Non-Elemental damage, their animations are very clearly based on the elements . Their order from weakest to strongest are. Inferno (fire), Cataclysm (earth), Torrent (water), Windburst (wind), Whiteout (ice), Ark Blast (lightning), Luminescence (light), and Black Hole (darkness). Elite Mooks. All over the place. Embarrassing First Name. Balthiers true name is Ffamran mied Bunansa. Its not clear whether he considers it embarrassing because he hates his father or because the name itself simply sounds stupid. Exclusive Enemy Equipment. Unusually for the series, mostly averted. Numerous enemies use the same weapons as the playable party 8212 the player probably isnt taking the time to recognize which ones, but they are the same. Played straight with the Behemoth and Reaver-type enemies, the Espers, and the Judges. However, the latter is excusable by means of Ace Custom for the Imperial elite, and the Behemoth and Reaver weapons are One Handed Zweihanders too big for the party to reasonably use even if they had the chance. Escape Battle Technique. A subversion to the trope. Since all battles take place in real time, there isnt any escape techniques. Holding the flee button forces the party to put away their weapons and their running speed is slightly increased to help them get away from enemies. Enemies can run away like this, too. Usually on a path that attracts more enemies. Even Evil Has Standards. Vayne may be an evil, scheming son-of-a-bitch, but his hostility appears to be reserved only for those who oppose him. Hes polite and well-mannered during his first appearance in Rabanastre, even going so far as to insist that he be addressed as Vayne rather than Lord Consul, a title he says he finds cumbersome. He declares himself a citizen of Rabanastre rather than acting like a ruler and orders his soldiers to be respectful to the other citizens. The Evil Prince. Vayne. Well, sort of. Everythings Better with Princesses. Ashe. Everything Sounds Sexier in French. Frans accent in the English localization is cute, but very hard to place. Its apparently meant to be Icelandic . Evil Twin. Basch and Gabranth . Exponential Plot Delay. The game moves very fast between Rabanastre and Bhujerba, moves at a steady pace through the Sandsea and the Tomb of Raithwall, then slows to a crawl between that and Draklor as you are sent on fetch quests by supporting characters that often take you through at least one new area to traverse, often more. Then you get to Giruvegan and suddenly the plot begins to rush to a close. Expy : Balthier and Fran are said to be expies of Han and Chewbacca . The Judges 8212 especially Gabranth 8212 are Darth Vader, Ashe has elements of Princess Leia and Daenerys Targaryen. The Viera are expies of Tolkien Wood Elves . The pig-like Seeq resemble the Gamorreans. as well as classic porcine orcs. like those who appeared in Vagrant Story. another game by Yasumi Matsuno. Curiously, the games take place in the same universe, so orcs of Vagrant Story and seeq may be connected. The Baknamy are expies of the otherwise recurring goblin enemies in the series, even having the Goblins Signature Move Goblin Punch . Vayne after fusing with Venat. becomes The Undying . which takes a lot from Bahamut, as he appeared in previous games. The Undying, has a draconic, metallic form(Bahamut is the king of metallic dragons in Dungeons Dragons ), created from bits of Sky Fortress Bahamut fused with Vayne Novus. The Undying, also has Bahamuts characteristic attacks, Megaflare . Gigaflare . and Terra flare . Yiazmat appears to be based on the recurring super boss Shinryu, or less obviously Bahamut: Like Shinryu, its a super boss, god-like holy dragon, guardian to a sacred blade(most probably the Recurring Infinity1 Sword Ragnarok, Shinryu often guards), and is probably the dragon which Omega Mark XII was designed to fight, as accepting the hunt for Shinryu unlocks the ability to fight Omega. And as its known, Shinryu and Omega are classically connected to each other since their first apperance in Final Fantasy V . On the other hand, Shinryu is described to have a crystalline body, while Yiazmat has skin that looks as if was made from silver or platinum, bringing it closer to Bahamut. Like Bahamut, in both Dungeons Dragons and Final Fantasy, Yiazmat is called the ruler of wyrms, and its characteristic attack Cyclone, is in terms of statistics near identical to the Terraflare attack used by the Undying in this game. Yiazmat having a freezing breath weapon, is also very similar to the Dungeons amp Dragons version of Bahamut. Its also notable that Dark Bahamut was the guardian of the holy sword Ragnarok before Shinryu, in Final Fantasy IV . were Ragnarok first appeared. Fairytale Wedding Dress. Ashe wears one in the games opening scene. Fake Ultimate Mook : There are early-game enemies called Slavens, which are described as being beasts of burden gone feral that are twice as tall as your characters, but that are barely any more dangerous than the wolves or bats from the areas they show up in. The Wild Saurian you run into in the very first wild area of the game, however, is very much not this trope, which is why the thing doesnt attack first. Once you reach a certain point in the game, theres a one-fifth chance of a variant popping up, which attacks on sight and is even stronger than the Saurian regularly. Theres also the pair of Werewolves in another early game area are hostile, and will one-hit kill you at that point in the game. Some in-game dialogue says that local villagers play chicken with them. Fallen Angel. Invoked and played straight by Ultima, who led the Espers in rebellion against the Occuria. Fantastic Nuke. Nethicite is the reason Nabudis became the Necrohol of Nabudis. The interesting part is that it parallels Real Life nuclear technology - there is no way to undo its development. Not only are nethicite city-smashers being stockpiled, but originally there were huge swaths of land that airships couldnt fly over, all but isolating Ivalice from the rest of the world. Nethicite not only negates that effect, but makes airships faster . By endgame, just about every nation uses nethicite-enhanced airships. Reddas . Would you like to know the best use of nethicite Will or nil, Ill tell you. You pick it up, and throw it away. I Love Nuclear Power Nuclear Nasty. The high concentrations of Mist released by deifacted nethicite have a tendency to mutate monsters the same way nuclear radiation does in older works of fiction. All that said, it can be put to peaceful uses, too. For example, Cid had developed a skystone that lets airships fly in Jagd. Reddas gives one to Balthier. Fantastic Racism. All over the place. Humes (especially in the Empire) toward Bangaa and Seeq, Viera toward Humes. everyone toward the Baknamy, the Urutan-Yensa toward everyone else. Fantasy Counterpart Appliance. The mundanity of global airships in the series is highlighted here with the Aerodromes, which are exactly like airports. Fetch Quest. Kytes hangs a lampshade on Fetch Quests shortly before you enter the Garamsythe Waterway for the second time. Fisticuffs Boss. The seeqs in Nalbina Dungeon, unless you bothered to get Vaan the licence for Fire (which you get for free when Balthier and Fran join up). Then it becomes piss easy. Fixed Damage Attack. 1000 Needles, which is only used by the Flowering Cactoid. You can learn it as a Technick. You also get Numerology, which deals damage based on the powers of 2. Floating Continent. Bhujerba. The floating rocks around the summit of Mt. Bur-Omisace are the remains of one that came crashing down in the distant past. Fluffy the Terrible. Carrot, an Archadian nobles pet Malboro. Flunky Boss. Several bosses and marks either call more enemies (the Thextera and Rafflesia, for instance) or have them there at the start of the battle (like the Wild Malboro or Doctor Cid). Subverted with others, which just appear in areas where said enemies would spawn anyway (case in point: Adrammelech, Roblon). Flying Seafood Special. Several enemies, including a boss, are fish that float in the air. Forced Level-Grinding : Especially in the earlier levels where you cant yet touch the Hunts youve been given. If you go through the game and just kill every monster on your way from point A to point B, you will not level up even near the amount you need to tackle the next area, usually. Sometimes even having all the Hunts that you can done will not save you from having to grind. Besides that, Level Grinding in general is highly recommended in this game, and it could be argued that the enemies are designed in such a way to encourage this, because many have equipment pieces to be stolen or won that are much stronger than what you have at the point you first get to them. For example, an enemy met in the Giza Plains, the second area of the game, rarely drops a Katana with 52 attack, while an enemy in the Westersand (accessible at the same time) drops a Dagger with 45 Attack. You just need to know where to go, what to kill, and have the willingness to invest the time in getting it. Foreshadowing. Balthiers Mysterious Past is hinted at quite a bit in the earlier parts of the game. Notice how he flinches or otherwise perks up whenever nethicite or Draklor Laboratory are mentioned. To say nothing of his accent, and this particular line of dialogue to Larsa:Balthier . You can never know another, even your father. Framing Device. The entire story is described in Marquis Ondores diaries and documents. Often, especially after important events, he will narrate from them personally. Free Rotating Camera Gambit Pileup. When the creators of Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story are involved, and its the same world as in those games, this is only expected. Youd best pay attention during cutscenes because the game does not spoonfeed you the plot as you may expect from some other Final Fantasy games, said plot concerning the political struggles of two feuding nations and their elite generals as well as the various insurgents, some within their ranks, who are trying to keep them from going to war with each other. Gentleman Thief. Balthier, all the way. Get Back Here Boss. Vorpal Bunny, good god. Almost all of the Dreamhare monsters are like this. The Trickster will also often run away. Getting Crap Past the Radar. The textures for the wolf enemies. They were. very, very realistically detailed. To the point that you could tell that the wolves were, in fact, females. And that the larger one used as a bounty was in heat. Ghostly Goals. Some of the deathscythes, such as the Ixtab mark, are vengeful spirits. Some of the ghost enemies remain in the mortal world because of regrets or hatred. Girlish Pigtails. Penelo, which is in keeping with her status as the youngest female in the party. Glowing Eyelights of Undeath. Skeletons and Deathscythes have these. Glowing Eyes of Doom. A lot of monsters have these in any number of different colors. Adrammelech briefly sports this as his boss fight starts. In addition, the second form of the final boss has them at certain points God of Evil. Debatable. Venat, the heretic is substantially more evil in action, but could also be considered a Well-Intentioned Extremist. Also subverted in that the Occuria dont refer to themselves as gods, whereas everybody else does. Its entirely possible that theres something(s) much bigger out there in the XII world than them. Global Currency Exception. Youll be needing those chops if you want to get somewhere in Archades. Golem. The ones in this game appear to be Magitek robots. Good Republic, Evil Empire : . Except the good guys are monarchist, and the bad guys, while still called an Empire, actually have democratically elected leaders. Well, its a little more complex than that. Dalmasca had a House of Commons that still exists (albeit with little power) under Archadian rule, and if you listen to NPCs in Archadia, you will learn that the senate is controlled by the wealthiest families of the Empire. The greatest irony about the Empire is that the ruling House Solidor rose to power by taking control of the army and making sure that it remained a meritocratic institution. The brilliance is that while there is a clear social divide in Archadia, the game drops subtle hints that show that the Archadian army allows people from different social background to work together and that people from unprivileged origins can rise to the top of the hierarchy (a feat nearly impossible in the civilian society), thus explaining why Vayne is popular and why Larsa is pretty certain for most of the game that his family holds the moral high ground. Additionally, the Archadian Empire isnt evil 8212 despite their leaders actions in the war, many Imperials are usually decent guys who uphold the safety of the Empires citizens, even in conquered territories, and the Archadian people are as sympathetic and human as anyone from Rabanastre. That doesnt change the fact that Vayne is still a megalomaniacal asshole who wants to rule the world, nor does it change the fact that the Empire conquered other realms for power. Its more of a case of both sides having issues. The good guys are just a lot better. Gratuitous Foreign Language. Sanskrit. The Bhujerbans use it often. Bhadra is essentially the Sanskrit version of SirMadam. Parijanah means guide. Madhu means honey. And there are various other examples too. Gratuitous Iambic Pentameter. Literally, in the case of Venat and occasionally the Judges Magister. The rest of the Occuria speak in iambic tetrameter . Gratuitous Spanish. The Great Crystals name in Japanese is Cristal Grande, which translates to Big Crystal in Spanish. Almost Gratuituous Portugese, too, but the right expression in Portuguese would be Grande Cristal. Grey and Gray Morality : Word of God says they actively went for this, giving the party members character flaws and the antagonists virtues. In their own way everyone is just doing what they think is right, for themselves, for others or for their country, and its not hard to at least understand why they feel the way they do, even if you dont agree. It even continues into the credits, what with the still image of a quite happy (and sane) looking Dr. Cid holding baby Balthier, who is turns out from said image is the spitting image of his father in his younger days . The Grim Reaper. Zaleras bestiary description states that he judged men upon their deaths he also bears some common characteristics of a traditional Grim Reaper. (His skeletal appearance, ability to cause instant death). Ultima also fills a role of the Grim Reaper, her bestiary entry describes her as guiding souls to heaven before she rebelled against the Occuria. Guardian Entity. Venat to Cid and Vayne. Belias acted as this for the Dawn Shard after King Raithwall defeated him, Mateus and Vinuskar acts as this for the Sword of Kings. The Deadalus and the Tyrant (and presumably Shemhazai are this for Giruvegan. Pandemonium. Slyt. Fenrir and Hashmal are this for the Sun-Cryst. Guest-Star Party Member. Assorted Guild members help out on hunts or in dangerous areas and some random people out on the field. Plotwise, Vossler (before he becomes a boss ), Larsa (using a fake name the first time), Reddas (until he takes out the Sun-Cryst ), and Gabranth. One could count Reks as well since he doesnt last that long. Guide Dang It. The game has a slew of bonus content including optional areas, sidequests with NPCs, optional bosses and rare items that you will simply never find if you dont know how. The Clan Primer gives vague hints to some of them, but isnt really reliable for information. To recap some of them: The Zodiac Spear, the most powerful weapon in the game. You find it in an optional area in a normal treasure chest, but only if you avoid opening four chests in the early areas of the game, and the game gives you absol utely no hints or warnings to this. If you accidentally open one of those chests, the Zodiac Spear will not spawn in that later chest and youll never even know you forfeited it. Fortunately it also randomly appears in a chest in another area. However, theres only a 10 chance of the chest appearing, a 10 chance it contains an item, and a 10 that item is the spear. For those who arent good with math, that works out to a one in a thousand chance of finding the spear. The Bazaar will eventually sell the best equipment in the game, but only if you sell the right combination of loot items in the proper quantities. At no time does anyone tell you what loot items need to be sold in what quantities to unlock which items. Finding those particular loot items can itself be a Guide Dang It, because many loot items can only be droppedstolenpoached by a handful of enemies. And getting those enemies to spawn may be a Guide Dang It too, because many enemies, particularly Rare Game enemies, only spawn under certain circumstances. The triggers to make them appear range from only appearing during a certain type of weather, to killing a certain number of enemies in an area, to just waiting around a specific point for a period of time. Particular mention to the Tournesol, the second - most powerful weapon in the game, because it encompasses all of the above. It can only be obtained by purchasing it at the Bazaar by selling three each of three particular pieces of loot. You get one each of them from Montblanc for doing various tasks, so how do you get the other two each You have to track down very rare loot items, most only obtainable as steal or drop items from one or two enemies, often times Rare Game. Sell those very rare loot items in the right quantities to unlock the Tournesols trade components in the Bazaar, buy those trade components, and then sell them back to unlock the sword. And make sure you do it one component at a time, if you have the trade items to unlock three of a component and sell all of them at once, the Bazaar only credits you for one purchase of that ingredient, so you get to go back and get more Its fairly obvious that a lot of the dungeons you enter have additional areas, you can see them on the map and will often find locked gates and other obstacles blocking your path. Good luck figuring out how to access these areas though. The Great Crystal is one of the most infuriating Magical Mystery Doors puzzle in the history of video games. Its a series of identical areas connected by pathways and waystones to teleport you between areas, many paths are blocked off by gates, the gates are deactivated with corresponding waystones but only stay open for a set amount of time before they close back up, the location names are in a foreign language and thus youre unlikely to get much help from to find your way, and the area is very large. And to top it all off, you basically have no map 8212 rather than the traditional map the rest of the game uses, the Great Crystal basically throws up an image of the outside of the area and hovers a cursor over it to mark your place inside it. In lieu of a basic map courtesy of the internet, getting through the area requires hours, if not days, of diligent home map-making. A number of the treasure chests that can only be opened once can be wasted by using (or sometimes not using) the Diamond Armlet, an accessory that improves the quality of items you find from chests, but sometimes screws you over by turning a really good item into vendor trash. This was at least fixed in the No Export for You international edition, in which all one time chests will always give you a specific treasure (though some of them still have a limited chance to spawn in the first place). Theres also a fair number of side quests that can only be found by talking to random NPCs. The cockatrice hunt, Bhujerban Madhu, Ktjn, the Hunt Club, and about half of the Espers in the game, fall under this category. Ham-to-Ham Combat. Just get Dr. Cid and Balthier in the same room and stand back Healing Checkpoint. Save Points heal you and remove negative status ailments. Hearing Voices HeelFace Turn. Several, some prior to the games beginning. Arguably, Princess Ashe and friends, when they refuse to do the Occurias bidding to exterminate the Empire. The aformentioned Gabranth as well. Hello, Insert Name Here. This is the first Final Fantasy game to avert this trope, to the rejoicing of localization teams worldwide. Heroic Sacrifice : Lampshaded by Balthier: I am the leading man. Might need to do something heroic. He does, of course, go on to make a heroic sacrifice. and survive it. Smooth operator. Its lampshaded again, too: During the Heroic Sacrifice. Balthier tells the party members not to worry about him, as the leading man, he claims he cant die. On the other hand, its played surprisingly straight by several of the Judge Magisters, including Gabranth, Drace, and former Judge Zecht. Even Zargabaath is about to make one at the end, when some last-minute assistance makes it unnecessary . Hidden Elf Village : Eruyt Village, the hometown of the Viera. While not quite as xenophobic and isolationist, the Garif are only found in Jahara. High-HeelFace Turn. Judge Drace. Highly Visible Ninja. Up to one third of the game, and all of the Healing Checkpoint Crystals are either blue or reddish-brown. In the Stilshrine of Miriam, you run into a suspicious green one with the Life Crystal designation. Say hello to the most obvious Crystalbug in the game. HP to 1. Sight Unseeing will reduce the targets health to single digits with a chance of the number selected being 0 (insta-kill) if the user is blinded. Unfortunately. its pretty inaccurate and a lot of enemies are immune to it. Humans Are the Real Monsters. Humes are portrayed as very power-hungry and driven to make their mark on the world due to their short lives, including via war and conquest. Ashe gets singled out several times by non-Hume characters for embodying this trait including the Occuria. Mjrn: The stench of humes. The stench of power. Ashe: Whats wrong with her Mjrn stops and points at her The Viera make this sentiment most often. Humans Are White. Averted. Impersonating the Evil Twin. In order to keep up appearances (and to maintain the pretext of the fragile Arcadia-Dalmasca peace treaty) Basch takes over the role (and identity) of Judge Gabranth at the end of the game from his twin brother Noah . Improbable Aiming Skills. The Imperial Trooper who kills Rassler does so by shooting him with an arrow. Through the one unarmored spot on his body. While Rassler is mounted. In the middle of a pitched battle. Across the span of a bridge. At night . If it wasnt for the fact Basch kills him, the man would probably be deserving of a promotion. Inconsistent Dub. In that subtitles and spoken dialogue often come out very different, due to the voice actors ab-libbing their lines sometimes. Though its rare, sometimes the two just dont match up. Cid (dialogue): Alas, the hour of your return is late. Cid (subtitle): Alas, your return is too late. I Need a Freaking Drink. Multiple NPCs, but special mention goes to a mother in Bhujerba. She was on the wagon prior to you being able to sell her a particularly potent Bhujerban spirit. Boy does she ever need one after you complete her quest. Inexplicably Identical Individuals. In every city, the chocobo stables are run by a pink moogle named Gurdy. Rabanastre even has three . Played with in a subquest involving the delivery of a letter to various stewardesses working on the many airship routes across Ivalice. They really are sisters, all of them. Infinity1 Sword. Every ultimate weapon, and sometimes even the next-best thing, is very rare to acquire. Either you have to gather specific quantities of very rare loot, the item is found in a single specific treasure chest, or dropped from a rare andor powerful enemy. Thus youll be spending most of the game making due with the second and third-best items. The Danjuro, the ultimate dagger, is only dropped by the Larva Eater, a rare enemy spawned in the Great Crystal, which is That One Dungeon. Or you can just buy the slightly weaker Zwill Crossblade in Balfonheim. The Yagyu Darkblade, the ultimate ninja sword, is a 3 drop from the Bombshell, an enemy that only has a 20 chance to spawn in one specific area in the Lhusu Mines. Or, you can just gather the moderately rare loot to unlock the Orochi at the Bazaar. The best gun, the Fomalhaut, is found in a handful of chests across the game, and those chests may not even spawn or contain it. On the other hand the Arcturus can be found in the bazaar and is a famous Disc One Nuke because it can be acquired as soon as you get to Raithwalls Tomb. Infinity1 Sword. Every weapon class has an ultimate weapon, but getting them is often ridiculously difficult due to needing lots of hard-to-find loot or only being dropped by a specific rare enemy. The best example of an Infinity1 Sword in this game has to be the Wyrmhero Blade, which can only be acquired by beating two incredibly hard Bonus Bosses (Yiazmat and Omega Mk. XII) and trading in the rewards you get for them (along with another reward you get by punching a statue of a dragon after completing a certain hunt. It grants the wielder permanent Bravery and Faith status and HAS NO LICENCE, meaning you can equip it as soon as you get it. Unfortunately, its so slow that it ends up being more of a Bragging Rights Reward . A more practical example of Infinity 1 is the Tournesol. It requires an obscure chain of rare loot sales in the correct order and amount and overall costs an arm and a leg, but it has the second highest attack of the games weapons, a very beefy 25 evasion, and a combo chance youd expect out of a katana. Better still, you can actually obtain it in time to use it for a good portion of the endgame. The Zodiac Spear combines this with Disc One Nuke. In terms of raw power it has the highest attack strength in the game, even higher than the Tournesol and Wyrmhero Blade. It can be acquired as soon as the party can get to the Mosphoran Highwaste, but requires trekking through a Beef Gate several miles long to get. Informed Ability : Fran, as a Viera, is implied to possess powerful magical abilities ( The Magicks binding the door to the Oubliette are quite strong. Too strong even for my talents. ). Until Lv.50, she has the second lowest Magic stat in the game. At Lv.99, she ends up with the third lowest Magic stat. Around the middle of the game, however, its revealed that her magic has grown weaker since she left her Hidden Elf Village. so its justified . Fran and Balthier have slightly modified attack animations when using their default weapons (bows and guns, respectively.) Thing is, these animations take longer than the normal ones, making their rate of fire slower - meaning that they are each the worst at their preferred weapon type out of the party. Injured Vulnerability. The Poach skill only works on weakened enemies, but you can gain rare items with it. Instant Runes. Concurrences take the form of runic symbols appearing over enemies and blasting them with some elemental force (though all Concurrences are non-elemental). Each Esper appropriates one of the Concurrence graphics to reuse for their cinematic attack when fought as bosses. Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence. In all its ridiculous glory. Interface Screw. Some optional bosses such as the Espers are this way, particularly those that disable certain parts of your battle menu (you cant do standard attacks against one, you cant use items against another). In Your Nature to Destroy Yourselves. Gerun basically says that this is why the Occuria have been manipulating mortal affairs for millennia. It Began with a Twist of Fate. Vaan just happens to decide to break into the palace on the same night La Rsistance tries to take it back and the dashing Sky Pirate Balthier amd his partner Fran also attempt to steal something from its hidden treasure troves. Item Amplifier. The Item Lore Augments increase the effectiveness of items for each one purchased. The Pheasant Netsuke accessory stacks one more of each Item Lore. Its All Upstairs from Here. The Pharos. It goes downstairs as well for another Bonus Dungeon . Invisibility Cloak. Balthiers ship has one. You briefly see it activate before going into the Sandsea region. Jerkass Gods. The Occuria. Di samping itu. they may merely be Well-Intentioned Extremist Gods. The problem with the Occuria is that they have a Blue and Orange Morality. so opinions vary. Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The Imperial Judge Magisters. Think of medieval Judge Dredds. but much more reasonable and with wicked swords. Kamehame Hadoken. The ultimate black magick. Scathe. Baschs first Quickening also counts. Killer Rabbit. Fury is one, quite literally, as is the Vorpal Bunny whose name is practically a Shout-Out for the trope. Knight in Shining Armor. Basch. More than one character is taken aback by his unimpeachable honor and unwavering sense of duty. Knight in Sour Armor. Judge Drace and Judge Zargabaath. La Rsistance. The Insurgence Resistance . Lady Drunk. The Antlion sidequest woman is still feeling under the clouds even after her children came back home. You can give her some booze for 1000 gil, and shell stand atop a box and do some weird movements. Lady of War. Ashe. Also the older and more experienced Judge Drace. Large Ham. Dr. Cid - A trial for Ashelia BNargin Dalmasca also, to some extent, Balthier (runs in the family). Judge Ghis and Reddas. Also, the volume of Vaynes voice goes up a signifcant number of decibels during the final boss fights. Gilgamesh says your silverware are forfeit to him. Layered Metropolis. Rabanastre is divided into two halves following its occupation by Archadian forces. Lowtown, as its name suggests, lies beneath the streets and is comprised of storerooms, now converted into residences. Lazy Backup. Averted. If all three party members are KOd, you have to switch in your reserve characters. In fact, the ONLY way to get a Game Over is to have all six party members wiped out. The active characters can even cast spells and use items on the reserves. Leaning on the Fourth Wall. Right from the get-go, Balthier refers to himself as the leading man, and furthermore makes mention to the story. He seems a bit too aware of his role as one of the leads in a video game. The irony is that he fancies himself the leading man, but that status more rightly belongs with Ashe or Basch. Hes more Wrong Genre Savvy . Balthier is also one of a few characters to break the fourth wall to give tutorials on how the game works, particularly the gambit system. The gambit system itself leans on the fourth wall considering conversations with NPCs in gambit shops and with one woman in Archades whose husband accidentally developed a shopping gambit that she was the unwitting guinea pig for. Leitmotif. The very distinctive Theme of FINAL FANTASY XII (which itself uses the overworld theme to Final Fantasy I ) and Imperial Theme are reprised throughout a variety of themes, such as the boss-battle Strike of a Blade, State of Urgency, and Desperate Fight. Even the iconic Prelude is augmented with a few chords from it. The Final Battle theme, The Battle for Freedom, includes a very somber, ominous arrangement of Imperial Theme, but as the sequence plays out it is overcome and drowned out by a heroic version of the main theme. Lethal Chef. In the first game, a minor character who gives you a chop when you find a philosopher of food willing to try her. unusual cooking (its painful, yet delicious). Penelo starts out as this in Revenant Wings, but slowly improves over the course of the game to the point where Larsa gladly pays to have her airship cafe remodeled after sampling her cuisine. Lethal Joke Item. The Manufacted Nethicite that Larsa gives you usually doesnt see much use, as while it gives you half-damage from elements, it casts permanent Silence on its user. But you can get a lot of mileage on it by designating someone a tank (Basch works well for this, as he doesnt come with any magic), and giving it to him. That way, youve got someone who can wade through elemental attacks with ease, and always has full MP to start a Quickening chain. Light is Not Good. The ultimate mark, an ancient dragon with 50 million hit points . that killed Montblancs mentor, is light elemental. If the Bestiary info is anything to go by, Ultima also applies. Arguably the Occuria considering their mysterious, celestial appearance. Like Brother and Sister. Subverted with Vaan and Penelo. Its pointed out in the game and in the guide, but very nearly a case of protesting too much. They get much closer in later games. Limit Break. Each party member, guests aside, have three that can be chained together in a lengthy sequence. do it right and you can get a Concurrence to really up the damage output. Espers and Bosses seem to have them as well. Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition. Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System. There was also a tin-boxed special edition available at launch which contianed a FF Retrospective DVD. Loads and Loads of Sidequests. The game has tons of these, ranging from hunting marks and getting rewards to pretty much just running around and running stuff. It could be said that the amount of extra content is larger than the main plot. Loveable Rogue. Both Vaan and Balthier. Mad Scientist. The first Final Fantasy Cid to play the role of a villain all the way through. Subverted. The invisible being he was seen talking to when he was introduced was real after all and Cid himself is just extremely theatrical. Magicks and Technicks (Statisticks, too, according to one NPC.) Magitek. One of the most prolific uses in the series, even more than the Trope Namer. Airships run on mist-infused magicite but use spinning rings to somehow generate lift instead of traditional propellers and engines, guns and crossbows can somehow fire status and elementally-attuned bullets and bolts, the Moogling system teleports people across Rabanastre, and high exposure to mist can mutate animals and humans into superbeings with magical powers. And thats all within the first few hours of the game. Male Gaze. The camera tends to hug the backsides of the party, and the females of the group have outfits that are very tight and form-fitting in that area. Manual Leader, AI Party. It was the first game in the series to use this. The player controls one party member at once and has the option of customizing the AI of the party. You can override your partys AI at any time with the exception of espers and guest characters, though. Marathon Boss. Omega Mk. XII (an hour), Hell Wyrm (hour and a half), and Yiazmat ( twelve hours, which nabs the pages picture) are all offenders here. Zodiark can turn into this if youre not careful. Marathon Level. The 100-floor Pharos Lighthouse. Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequest. You can only complete the Clan Primer by killing a certain number of every single enemy in the game. Getting some rare enemies requires chaining a specific number of a single enemy type. The biggest offender is the Urutan Exile, which requires kill 100 Urutan Yensa in a row. Maximum HP Reduction. A status ailment called Disease prevents healing, by reducing the victims maximum HP any time they take damage. One-Hit-Point Wonder. Disease lasts after a character has been KOd, meaning that you first have to revive them, then remove the status, THEN heal them. Mayfly-December Friendship. Unlike the rest of the party, Fran is a viera, and her lifespan is three times that of a humes. Her age is never given (and she refuses to give it when Vaan asks her). She had left Golmore Jungle fifty years before the events of the game - and before any of the other player characters were born. She is friends with Balthier, a hume who is only 22 years old. Though her age is not given, she could very well outlive the rest of the party. May the Farce Be with You. In many respects, the game is very much a fantasy-themed take on Star Wars . with Vaan, Balthier, Fran, Basch, and Ashe paralleling Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-wan, and Leia, while of course the Archadians provide The Empire with Vayne as Palpatine and Gabranth as Darth Vader. The story parallels include Ashe being a leader of the resistance who is captured and rescued aboard an airship, Basch being a once-famed knight now presumed dead, and Balthier and Fran only aiding the group in return for money while Balthier and Ashe have Ship Tease. Basically, its the original trilogy where Luke is just a Farm Boy instead of Darth Vaders son. Mood Whiplash. Finding the Sword of Kings. After a lengthy dungeon and a battle with what is likely your second Esper, you enter a chamber full of Clock Punk Magitek. The magical machinery grinds to a halt, its glow fades, the sword floats forward for Ashe to take hold off. then clangs to the ground as she finds it too heavy to hold with one hand. Money for Nothing Money Spider. Mostly averted. You only get money from humanoid enemies, but can sell the loot you find to get new items from the Bazaar. Motive Rant. Bergan gives one about Vaynes intentions after murdering the Gran-Kiltias. Mouth Flaps. Subverted. The characters mouths will sometimes move much faster than their lines would suggest, most notably the scene where Vaan delivers the sword to Vossler. Multi-Melee Master Multi-Ranged Master. The entire cast has sixteen different weapon types to choose from from Swords. Axes. Hammers Maces. Daggers. Great Swords. Katanas. Ninja Swords. Spears. Poles. Rods. Staves. Bows, Crossbows. Guns. Hand-bombs and Measures. Each character can wield them with near equal efficiency largely only dictated by the characters stats. Mr. Fanservice. Vaan and his lack of a shirt. Balthier is often considered quite attractive too8212though hes fully clothed, those clothes are very tight. Ms. Fanservice. Fran and her armored bikini, along with Shes Got Legs. Ashe and her strategically-revealing outfit. My Friends. and Zoidberg. Vaan and Penelo usually get pegged as this in comparison to the more important party members like Ashe, Basch, Balthier, and Larsa. Lampshaded by Balthier, no less:At least we thought to bring entertainment. My Country, Right or Wrong. During the talk with Anastasis, Ashe believes that initiating a world war to revive her country and reestablish her part as the Princess of Dalmasca is the best option. Its possible that she was influenced by the Nethicite. but the other characters like Vaan convinced her to Take a Third Option . Mythology Gag. too many to count. Some notable gags: The name of one of the Bonus Bosses is Omega Mk. XII . Simple, but gets the point. It doesnt end there. The name of the Ice Esper Mateus. Esper of Gravity Zeromus. Non-Elemental Esper Exodus (mistranslated from Exdeath). Wind Esper Chaos. and when you fight him, hes backed up by elementals corresponding to the Four Fiends to drive home the reference. The Water Esper, Famfrit, is referred to as the Darkening Cloud . Most of the Airships are named after some of the iconic summons and characters in the series. The Final Boss. the Undying . fusion of Big Bads Venat and Vayne. is a literal mechanical dragon. In addition, some of its special attacks have Flare in their names (e. g. Mega Flare). Most of the parts that make up this monstrosity came from the Airshipfortress Bahamut. See Gilgamesh and his, erm, borrowed swords. The whole last chapter of the game seems to be an extended mythology gag. Ayo lihat. The party climbs an incredibly tall, well-guarded tower to obtain the ultimate power, and upon leaving, they find the Emperor hovering outside of their hometown in a large flying fortress guarded by a cyclone. Hmmm, now where have I heard that one before Theres actually an homage to Final Fantasy s rival series, Dragon Quest . in the form of the Wyrmhero Blade (Called Tolos Sword in Japan.), modeled after the sword of the legendary hero Loto (also known as Erdrick). A stranger form of Mythology Gag is found in Yiazmats name. Yasumi Matsuno, the man behind Ivalice, was known to his peers as YAZMAT. At the end of the game Balthier is said to be off looking for the Cache of Glabados8212a reference to St. Ajora Glabados of Final Fantasy Tactics . According to background information, Ajora is supposedly alive around the time in Ivalice when Final Fantasy XII occurs. Hes still looking for it when he appears as a cameo in the PSP version of Tactics. How he did the Time Travel is not explained, but, unlike Cloud, nobody sees him as strange because hes talking about something that probably has some (even if probably different) meaning in their timeline. In Final Fantasy X . when fighting the Behemoth enemy, Wakka will sometimes quip How many steaks do you think we can get out of these In Final Fantasy XII . the Behemoth enemies sometimes drop the Loot item Behemoth Steak. The differences might be due to translation, but Ashe loosely quotes another Final Fantasy Princess, Garnet Til Alexandros. at least twice:Garnet: I have a favour to ask of you - I wish to be kidnapped right away Ashe: Youre sky pirates, arent you Then steal me Is that too much to ask Garnet: Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself. Ashe: I am simply myself, no more and no less. And I want only to be free. Theres a horrifying nod to a Never Say Die Good Bad Translation from Final Fantasy I. after Judge Bergan sacks Mt. Bur-Omisace. a boy is crouching near his fatally-wounded mother, and saying, The man in armor knocked her down Non-Human Undead. Many of the monster types have an undead version. Examples include undead wolves, undead war horses, undead vampire bats, undead slimes, and undead bombs . Theres also the requisite undead boss who is a Conjoined Twins demon with visible skull. Names to Run Away from Really Fast. Dreadnought Leviathan . Some of the locales have names like this, too. New Game. In the International version. Beat the game, and it unlocks this, where nothing carries over, but everyone starts at level 90 (not as great as you think youll find out fast just how gear-dependent this game is). Beat the 100-man trial, and you unlock New Game Minus, where no one gains any ExperiencePoints, period . No OSHA Compliance. The city of Bhujerba is on a floating continent in the sky, and some portions of the city have no railings . However, its said in-game that no one who falls from Bhujerba dies, and a fallen Bhujerban is found in Phon Coast, amnesiac but alive. Off Model. Moogles look vastly different in this game (kind of like anthropomorphosized tabby cats with wings), as opposed to every other game in the series (pure white creatures with Eyeless Faces. a huge nose, bat wings, and a pompom antenna). Older Than They Look. The Viera live much for longer than Humes. Fran for example, left her village 50 years before the start of the game, yet still looks like a fit twentysomething. One Time Dungeon. Several examples. Some of them are removed from the world map after the player finishes them, but others are not. Nalbina fortress, which is destroyed during the attack in the prologue. Rabanastre Palace during the heist. Nalbina Dungeon is only accessible during your escape. Several airship dungeons, including the Leviathan and Shiva . though the latter is less of a dungeon than an area for a Climax Boss fight. Draklor Laboratory in Archades. One-Winged Angel. The final form of the final boss has wings formed out of parts of Sky Fortress Bahamut . Only One Name. In a game where most characters have not just first and last names, but middle names too, Vaan, Fran, Penelo, and Reks only have first names. With Fran its a cultural thing, while Vaan and Penelo are commoners and orphans. Reks, in addition to being a commoner and orphan, doesnt live long enough to need a last name . Opening the Sandbox. More areas become available as you progress through the game. Or Are You Just Happy to See Me. A background NPC uses the line, although he doesnt quite finish it . Our Liches Are Different. Zombie mages are described in the bestiary as mages who wanted to live forever, but settled for undeath. Overly Long Fighting Animation. Quickenings. Some of the bosses special attacks also fit. Our Dragons Are Different. There are flying wyvern-type dragons and huge land-based dragons with seemingly vestigial wings. Our Ghosts Are Different. One type is literally made of fear and all of them can teleport. Our Werewolves Are Different. Bipedal monsters called Werewolves live in the Giza Plains south of Dalmasca. Theyre similar in function to the Behemoths encountered much later, but lore from the games Monster Compendium claims that they used to be human, and became transformed into monsters after eating some kind of contaminated meat. Paper-Thin Disguise : It usually isnt too difficult to tell what treasure pots are really Mimics, especially later in the game when some Mimics are bright red, while the treasure pots theyre supposed to be hiding as are usually gray and black. The famous sequence in which Vaan runs around Bhujerba declaring himself Basch fon Ronsenberg of Dalmasca is a subversion. it was designed to stir up trouble rather than convince anyone that he really was Basch. It worked . Party in My Pocket. In towns your party is represented by Vaan (even if hes not in the active party). Out in the field and in dungeons your three active characters (and whatever guests are with you) are always present and can be swapped out for your reserves at any moment. Pause Scumming. The player can enter the party menu any time, during combat or otherwise. This enables such things as removing equipment from characters who are under Confusion ailment and about to murder a party member, or switching accessories and armour to nullify the effect of a status ailment or elemental spell the enemy is readying. Peninsula of Power Leveling. Several areas in the game are prime levelling spots. The most famous early-game instance is the two Werewolves in the southern area of the Giza Plains. A pair of Level 20 enemies with approximately 2,500 HP, theyll crush your Level 5 Vaan easily. However, abusing Quickenings to kill them nets you 1,200 HP a kill, and then you can run away to the Save Crystal, restore your MP, zone away to respawn the Werewolves, and go back to do it again. You not only get lots of exp, but they drop good quality loot including the Kotetsu, a Disc One Nuke weapon. The Henne Mines have an area where several Jellies spawn. If the player kills them using Break. they will respawn endlessly. A proper Gambit set-up here results in the party killing an endless supply of Jellies at little risk to themselves, and you can let the game run for hours as they do so. Percent Damage Attack. Gravity and its variants. Enemies also have abilities like Tri-Attack, which deals damage equal to a third of the targets health. The game determines damage using the targets maximum health. Point Build System. The License Grid, which was the same for all six characters and thus led to a certain amount of homogeniety within characters. The Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition gives you the option of switching to a Class and Level System for your License Grids (as long as you live in Japan ). (There is now a translation patch for the International edition which makes the game 99 in English.) Point of No Return. Of the merciful kind, as the game clearly warns you that once you go for the final area, you cannot go back. Furthermore, at several points the game advises you to save in a new slot because you wont be able to go back for a while. Poisonous Person. Cuchulainn is one due to having fed on The Corruption for too long. Portal Network. You can expend a teleport stone to use save crystals youve visited before to get to all the important locations in the world. In fact, despite Balthier owning an airship. this will be your dominant means of long-distance transport in the game, and it can take you to far more locations than the airship can. Given that its cheaper than commercial travel in the game (which youll never use outside of one sidequest), one has to wonder if only clan people are allowed to use them8212otherwise aerodromes would go out of business. Its less allowed and more that no one outside of clans and other adventurers can even get the stones needed to teleport-they only appear in the Clan marketplace and as loot drops from certain enemies. The average traveler would be stuck flying. The Power of the Sun. The bonus note in the bestiary for Garuda-Egi suggests that the sun is aligned with holy power, not fire, dispelling the myth that the sun is a just large, firey sphere. Powers of Two Minus One. The Wyrmhero Blade, the games resident Infinity1 Sword. costs 65535 Gil at the Bazaar. Power Walk. The five Judges in the opening cinematic. Pragmatic Villainy : BaGamnan simply lets Penelo go once her purpose as bait for Balthier was finished. Vaynes evenhanded treatment of Dalmascas citizens may also be an example. Prequel in the Lost Age. Its a prequel to Final Fantasy Tactics . Probably. Programming Game. The Gambit System. Protagonist Power-Up Privileges. Ashe is the one to receive the two Swords of Plot Advancement. and in the manga Belias, the first Esper, chooses her as its master. Psycho Serum. Nethicite is this when implanted into the body as evidenced by Judge Bergan and later Vayne . Pun : Wingwraiths in Revenant Wings . Ring Wyrm, in the original game. Punny Name. The Foobar enemy. Punch Clock Villains : When youre not busy carving your way through their ranks, most of the Archadians are a fairly decent lot. The Archadian civilians are worried about normal day-to-day issues like finding employment and buying their spouses gifts, and some of the Archadian soldiers stationed in Rabanastre show a genuine concern for its citizens and truly want to keep the peace. For example, the Wyvern Lord Hunt is petitioned by an Archadian soldier in the city who saw it while on patrol and is worried it could pose a threat to the city, but his superior brushed him off. Thus, he decided to pay money out of his own pocket to hire you to kill it before it causes trouble. The Judges, in particular (except for Vaynes Ax-Crazy Psycho Supporter Judge Bergan), are far more morally ambiguous than one would expect from a Quirky Miniboss Squad made up of Darth Vader clones . The Purge. Vayne frames the Imperial Senate for the poisoning of his father the Emperor and has them rounded up and executed in response to them trying to have him executed. According to the bestiarys entry on Archadia, the Solidor dynasty brought itself into power by repeatedly purging opposition. Purple Prose. Most characters, except for commoners like Vaan and Penelo, speak in a formal and somewhat antiquated manner. The Occuria in particular act like theyre auditioning for Shakespeare. Even Magic Pots have abandoned their crude demand of Gimme Elixir Instead they clamor for them. Vaan and Penelo are the only major characters that avoid it. Randomly Drops. Oh yes. Lots of rare equipment and loot can only be acquired as very low drops from one specific enemy. Hunting them down to get the best stuff in the game is a big part of gameplay. Read the Freaking Manual. The reply of every person frustrated with newbies who equipped the Goddess Magicite or the DawnDusk Shard (They cause forever zero MP or Silence as long as its worn) without bothering to read the item information displayed on screen, and then asked why they couldnt use magick. Reality Ensues : A major theme throughout the first half of the game is that Ashe is the Princess of Dalmasca. and that means next to squat, since her family is dead, she has no real political or military power, and no way to prove her royal heritage beyond people who physically recognize her. Ghis even notes to her that Arcadia has no need of her any maiden baring a passing resemblance to Ashe could be sold to the public as the real thing if they felt the need to use Ashes influence. After defeating the final boss, the party all take a breather to gaze at the sky, contemplate their victory and (in Balthier and Frans case) do a fistpound. Then. a destroyed fighter crashes through the air to remind everyone that the two fleets dont magically know they ought to stop shooting each other, cue frantic scramble to announce a cease-fire. Realpolitik. Pretty much the core theme of the game. The Archadean Empire is not on a war of conquest for glory or power, at least not only for those things, but because it is surrounded by nations who are the puppets of the Occuria. The twisted scheme to force a total surrender on Rabanastre 8212 they couldnt comb the city for nethicite otherwise. Their quest for nethicite, again not for selfish reasons 8212 nethicite is the tool used by the Occuria to manipulate humanity, and the only means Archades can fight back. Vayne is actually completely honest about accepting Rabanastres hatred of him - he knows hes temporarily reduced them to slaves in his quest to free the world from the Occuria, and accepts that hell be remembered as a monster for it. Anything as long as the Occuria are defeated, because thats the only way his nation will be safe. The numberless people who suffer and die due to this are regrettable but disposable. Recurring Boss. Gilgamesh in more than one sense. You can fight him twice during the game. Furthermore, this could be the same Gilgamesh from previous Final Fantasy games as evidenced by him possessing various (replicas of) familiar swords such as the Gunblade and the Buster Sword . It was implied in an earlier game that Gilgameshs death in FFV really just sent him careening through time and space, sticking his nose into every game along the way and borrowing trophies. Redemption Equals Death. Gabranth, and Reddas for destroying Nabudis . Regenerating Mana. Walking around restores MP. Repeatable Quest. The game has only one repeatable quest, and its very modest, and available very early. By visiting the Giza village and running around in the Giza Plains area, you can create multiple Sunstones, which sell for what is a moderate bonus for the player at that part of the game 8212 but the player could get the amount from just killing wolves and selling the loot, and on the side get both EXP and LP. Rewatch Bonus. Several parts of the game make more sense on the second playthrough now that the player knows some of the secrets of the various characters. Listen carefully to Basch in the introductory sequence when he stabs Reks. He sounds a bit different, doesnt he Thats because by this point its Gabranth impersonating Basch. Watch Balthiers reactions to nethicite in the first parts of the game, like suddenly losing interest in the Dawn Shard and growing angry with Larsa in the Lhusu Mines. His behavior makes more sense once you find out he left Archades because of Cids growing (perceived) insanity over studying nethicite. Dr. Cids Establishing Character Moment is him walking down the hall talking excitedly with himself. Its only around the last third of the game that you realize hes talking to Venat . Reverse Escort Mission. The tutorial has Reks being escorted by a small army of generic soldiers. They carry an infinite amount of potions and will use them on you the moment your HP runs low, making dying next to impossible. They also have a captain who can hit well with a sword. Robe and Wizard Hat. They appear as two pieces of mystic armor. Rotating Protagonist. Everyone gets A Day in the Limelight . Royal Blood. Played with: Ashes royal name carries weight, but not enough. The entire reason Ashe wants the Dawn Shard is because she needs power to back up her lineage and with it could try to rally kingdoms to her cause, or maybe negotiate for Dalmascas freedom. Ghis comments though that the Shard is the real item of worth against her bloodline: if Arcadia needs Ashe, they can come up with a look-alike and use the Shard to declare her the real thing. Running Gag. Ashe would like you to know that she leads a resistance. not an insurgence. Early on in the game, youll start hearing random citizens in Bhujerba going on about Bhujerban Madhu, a local brew thats in short supply. Then you start seeing NPCs who are suicidally depressed, half-drunk, or raging over a bad day, all of whom are jonesing for Bhujerban Madhu. Then you start finding caskets of Bhujerban Madhu. Then you start selling them. Sacrificial Lion. Reddas. It was his choice . Vossler is a straighter example, dying at approximately the quarter-way mark of the story. Hes a former Guest-Star Party Member. At this point, it became clear that even the protagonists werent completely safe . Sacrificial Revival Spell. The game has the Revive Technick. but you dont get it until long after you got the basic Revive spell, and it is also on the market next to the more useful Arise spell. Satanic Archetype. Vennat is a divine being who rebelled against the rest of his kind and is thus considered a heretic by them. The means and nature of this rebellion are the same giving humans knowledge that inspired them to go to war. To this purpose he made a deal with Cid and Vayne. Sand Is Water. The Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa sandseas. Savage Wolves. A lot of regions have at least one variety of either these or hyenas. Sealed Evil in a Can. The Esper, Famfrit. The can in this case being a suit of armor. Secret Shop. Very, very much. Its in the optional dungeon, which opens after you beat an optional boss that becomes available to fight midway through the game and is filled with powerful enemies, and its invisible. Its best wares are only available near the end, though. Sequel Difficulty Spike. While still not all that hard once you get the hang of the battle system, this is still one of the harder main series Final Fantasy games. Enemies have group attacks and status attacks and they will use them, and conversely paying or not paying attention to the elemental and status vulnerabilities of enemies can make a big difference. Level Grinding and the subquests arent mandatory, but the game assumes youre at least taking your time between areas and not just zooming through them, because if you do youll be overwhelmed in the next major area when the enemies suddenly get stronger. Money for Nothing is also averted: new skills and equipment are expensive and you may not always have enough loot to sell to afford what you want. Sequence Breaking. With a few exceptions youre free to move between areas freely as you like, accessing rare drops and new shops ahead of time. However, you still have to do the storyline events in a specific order and a few areas are sealed off before you do. Plus, if you skip ahead to a later area out of order, the monsters you meet will often be at a much higher level. and thus sequence breaking is very dangerous unless you flee from fights. Scenery Porn. The games scenery is absolutely gorgeous . Science Is Bad. Most tech you see hails from the evil Archadian Empire which isnt evil at all. and the divine Occuria condemn it for manufacturing Nethicite (the power of the gods) because they dont want mortals to have control of their own fates . Completely averted with the Moogles, whose engineering skills are second to none, kupo Moogles are the source of a lot of other technology, including Bhujerban airships. Shout-Out. See Pun above. A background conversation between Vaan, Penelo and Larsa while Ashe and Basch discuss weightier matters is a shout out to the notorious Good Bad Translation of Final Fantasy Tactics . I had a good feeling. This is the way The Leamonde Entites name comes from Leaacute Monde from Vagrant Story. not lemonade. Also from Vagrant Story. the Light of Kiltia religion . Theres also its rare game called Vagrant Soul, yet another reference to Vagrant Story. Its name in the Japanese version is Soul of Chaos, which refers to Final Fantasy I . The Espers that arent Continuity Nods towards Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance . specifically Chaos, Zeromus, and Exodus, reference the Final Bosses of Final Fantasy I . Final Fantasy IV . and Final Fantasy V . Masing-masing. In addition, (Emperor) Mateus and Famfrit (humans and moogles respective Totema who first appeared in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance . and promoted to Esper status for this game) had their backgrounds expanded to reference Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy III . None of the traditional summons from the main games are featured in the game (a first) but their names survive as the names of the airships used by the Archadian and Resistance fleets. Notably, two flagships which serve as mini-dungeons are Shiva and Leviathan, and the final dungeon is Bahamut . Furthermore, the ship destroyed at the beginning is called Tonberry. Marquis Ondores flagship is the only named one in the game not named for a summon or a monster, instead being called Garland . after the reoccurring Big Bad of the Francise. Its been speculated that the Bonus Boss Fury might be a Shout-Out to the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail . The whole back story of Venat being disowned by her own race for giving the humes the secret of magicks via magicitenethicite, is similar to the tale of Prometheus . When talking to Dantro when accepting the Flowering Cactoid hunt, he says of the cactaurs in general, They mostly keep to themselves. Mostly. At the start of the side-quest Anne and her Sisters, the gentleman that Anne is talking to is named Rande . A Pirate Gossip in the bar in Balfonheim tells you about a strange fellow he met who talked about defeating a wyrm on Cerobi Steppe. But I heard all he does is yell at windmills. Pity the man that rides with him . Bhujerba has a large castle, which sports a pair of massive angelic wings, a visual reference to Final Fantasy IX . There is also a scene set within this castle wherein a Rebellious Princess asks to be kidnapped by pirates in their airship. Northswains Glows Japanese name is literally North Star Bone Crushing Slash which uses the same naming convention in Fist of the North Star . Judges are knights wearing face obscuring helmets, who are the supreme enforcers of the law. Sounds familiar . The Smurfette Principle. Ultima and Shemhazzai are the only female Espers while Drace is the only female Judge. Averted with your immediate party, however, which has a 5050 malefemale split. Soundtrack Dissonance : Fighting on the field in Ozmone Plain, Cerobi Steppe, Paramina Rift, and the Great Crystal. Also, hunting Marks in these areas (music does not change when fighting Marks (except for when luring out Bagamnan and encountering Gilgamesh, both of whom are considered bosses ), such as Trickster in Paramina Rift, where you fight a particularly tough Bonus Boss with a calm movie score-like song playing. The music does not change for Quickenings either, so you get to hear the calm music of Ozmone Plain or Paramina Rift while your characters tear asunder space and time. Space Cold War. Rozarria NATO, Archades Warsaw Pact, Nethicite Nuclear Weapons, Dalmasca any country that got a proxy war in it such as Korea and Vietnam. This game could even be viewed as what would happen if during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Cuba was researching ancient magic that would let them mass-produce even more nuclear weapons. All in all, this is why so much of the plot of the game is about politics and faction leaders while your party tries to get an edge in on the coming conflict 8212 Rozarria and Archad ia both dont trust the other to back down and dont want to do so themselves for fear of appearing weak, and while Archadias nethicite research is allowing them to acquire more and more power, Rozarria is itching to seize the chance to make the first move before Archadia can. This is why the games climax centers around stopping the battle between Archadia and the Resistance, because its the chance Rozarria has been waiting for and if they get involved the dreaded world war will begin . Subverted since the conflict between Archadia and Rozarria was sparked by Vayne moving toward an unrelated goal that is revealed later in the game. Spanner in the Works. Despite his status as the Decoy Protagonist. Vaan of all people manages to undermine the Occurias plans. His ability to see Reks, as Ashe saw Rasler, implies that the Occuria would use him were Ashe to turn aside from their plan for her. Instead, he overcomes the illusions, refuses to take revenge on behalf of his brother, and ultimately may have been the role model Ashe needed to reject the Occuria. Stat Grinding. Though less so than in other games . Sticks to the Back. All greatswords stick directly to your back, with a slight clang, suggesting theyre stuck there using magnets. Stripperiffic. Ashe and her micro-skirt and Fran and her armored teddy for the guys, and Vaans vest and pants for the girls. Penelos skintight jumpsuit is modest by those standards, but still pretty revealing. The arguable winner in this category is a minor NPC in Reddas crew 9674 . She wears a coat that might as well not exist for all the coverage it provides and sports a pink g-string over hot pants. Its as though shes had clothing described to her, but doesnt actually understand the concept. Summon Magic. Of the Western variety. Sword of Plot Advancement. Uniquely, all the magic doodads you find during the course of the game - such as Nethicite and the swords youre sent to find, etc. - are equippable but have ridiculously bad stats. Nethicite, true to its plot purpose of sucking up magic, reduces your MP to zero, but also reduces magic attacks against you big time. Helpful against the boss fight with Mateus. Justified in the case of the swords, seeing as they were made with the sole purpose of destroying nethicite and the Sun-Cryst and not for combat. Technophobia. The Viera choose to remain in their forests sheltered from the outside world, thereby shunning technological advances that could harm nature. Tech Points. Defeated enemies yield License Points used to purchase new abilities, in addition to the traditional Experience Points . Teleporters and Transporters. Way stones teleport the party to different parts of some dungeons. Tell Me How You Fight. Although with the proper license, any character can use any type of weapon, each of them has a particular style thats visible regardless of weapon equipped. Balthier tends to use everything one-handed, even two-handed weapons, which reflects on his laid-back persona. Fran holds anything that isnt a ranged weapon elegantly to one side. Vaan uses low, wide stances that, in real life, generally allows a person to cover ground quickly. Penelo, starting with a knife, has an acrobatic, dance-like fighting style most easily seen with her unarmed style with Brawler unlocked. Ashes style is pretty defensive, with even her unarmed stance has her putting a hand up in front of her like shes using a shield. Basch is pretty much the Combat Pragmatist given that all his moves are basic strikes executed from a natural standing stance and border on Boring, but Practical . Tiered by Name. The game has another Omega named Omega Mark XII, one of the last marks you fight and also an optional superboss. In the Japan-exclusive version (named Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System) Omega Mark XII is also fought on the 99th floor of trial mode. To Be Lawful or Good. Judge Zargabaath struggles with this most of the game, usually deciding on Lawful. Too Dumb to Live. The second page of the Chimera Brains entry in the Bestiary is Report A0075 O. P.O. D: Eat the head of the wise, and his wisdom you shall gain Like eating food whence to gain nourishment. To determine the truth of this, I have just now eaten a whole chimera head. No effects as yet. On the morrow, we shall see. No further reports, poacher no longer at large. Investigation closed, by Imperial Decree. Sgt. Xerse of the 8th Treacherous Checkpoint. There are monsters that impersonate save crystals and attack the party if approached. Fortunately they turn into regular save crystals if defeated. Turns Red. Everyone . Even your party gets abilities from the License Board to let them do this. Twin Switch. Basch and Noah, twice. Underground Monkey. Subverted. The in-game encyclopedia gives long explanations on monster genus origins and the subtle differences between subspecies in different areas. The monsters are never just pallete swaps, but actually reflect their habitat in their designs. The Unpronounceable. An NPC called Ktjn is involved in an optional sidequest. According to supplementary materials, its pronounced kitten, though in Japanese its Katrine. Most of the other Viera fall under this too - Fran seems to be the only exception as one of the few Viera fortunate enough to afford a vowel in her name, which seems to fit considering shes not like other Viera. Krjn (Caroline in other languages) is her sister. Unique Enemy. The Wildsnake, Darkmare and Emperor Aevis and most rare game only appear in one location each. For the Darkmare to respawn, you have to leave the region where it can be found entirely. This trope applies even more to the trophy rare game, which actually ARE one-of-a-kind and never respawn after they are defeated. Unusable Enemy Equipment. A very strong aversion, many enemies that fight with weapons wield weapons that are recognizable as equipment the player can purchase and equip, and for the same reason enemies tend to wield a variety of different weapons. The only enemies that have unique weapons are the Behemoth-types, which have one-handed BFSes the party wouldnt be able to use anyway on account of them being so huge. Otherwise all enemy-exclusive equipment falls under the domain of bosses, who are usually ranking Imperial officers so it makes sense theyd have customized weaponry . Updated Re-release. The wrongly-named International Version of the game, whose changes and additions are too numerous and important to list here. Despite being subtitled International Version . Zodiac Job System, it is Japan-exclusive . This is mainly due to the fact that FF VII and X were also given International Releases, which essentially means that its all the additions the US versions got that Japan didnt in their initial release, and then some. That being said, the Zodiac Job System version might as well be considered a brand new game. Useless Useful Spell. Averted, subverted, played sorta straight, and played completely straight in equal measure. Some of your status effect spells are the difference between success amp failure in most boss battles and against many normal enemies (which really dont pull their punches in this game). Others are useless. The most blatant example is the Water spell. In the original version of the game, you could only learn the basic Water spell and not the next tiers of the spell tree while enemies could use the stronger version of Water. The only way to do a ton of damage against enemies weak to water was to use a gun with bullets that have the water element. Vendor Trash. Its your main source of income. Unlike previous entries enemies dont randomly drop gil when killed, they drop Loot instead, which you have to sell to make money. Humanoid enemies do drop money, and you can steal gil from some other enemies, but thats a drop in the bucket. Victory Pose. Each character has a multitude of victory poses available after boss fights, mainly depending on what sort of weapon theyre carrying. An extensive list can be found here on the official Wiki . Videogame Geography. The Kerwon continent is screwed up. Frozen tundra amp mountains border lush tropical jungles. Most oddly, Mt. Bur-Omisace, at the top of a long climb through the frozen Paramina Rift, is relatively nice amp sunny (or rainy). Its warmer on top of the mountain than at the base Similarly, the continent temperature varies strongly east-to-west instead of north-to-south. Of course, this is in a game with sand seas amp floating continents. At least all the deserts are equatorial. It is heavily implied the Mist has a profound effect on the environment and the ecology, so Mist concentrations are likely the cause of Kerwons badly put-together jigsaw puzzle status. Theres also the fact that with certain environmental conditions (mainly volcanic heat), things like Mt. Bur-Omisace is very much in the realm of possibility. Video Game Cruelty Potential. Some actions, when it comes to Gambits anyway, can only be set to be cast on enemies or on allies. However, there are not as many restrictions as you may think. You are within full rights to set up Gambits for your characters to attack themselves or each other over and over until they die, or cast status ailment magic on each other, heal it, and then cast it again. Theres little practical reason for doing so, but if youre feeling sadistic, you can do it. Voice of the Legion. Mjrn has this briefly while possessed by Venat. The Occuria also have it. Voodoo Zombie. Most of the zombie enemies. Some of the skeletons also count. Wake-Up Call Boss. Ah, so you havent learned how to handle magick yet Dont worry, the Elder Wyrm will be your teacher - and this is very much an AP course . The Walls Are Closing In. The game has two Demon Wall enemies. The first one you fight presents a twist 8212 it is powered up and offers you little time to defeat it, but it is fortunately a Skippable Boss and you are meant to flee the battle by using the door that it would crush you against, and instead fight the second wall in the next room. The second one (the one you must defeat) is much weaker and offers much more time to win. If so desired, you can come back later in the game to rematch against the first wall. Unless of course, youve done a lot of Level Grinding. in which case you can just off the first one right away and pick up a weapon that youre not intended to have at that point in the game yet (still not quite the Infinity1 Sword though, but it is one of the games many, many Disc One Nukes ). War Is Hell. Basch is very much of this opinion. Vossler believes this to an even greater degree, betraying Ashe in an attempt to peacefully restore Dalmasca. Wave Motion Gun. The battery of Mist Cannons mounted on the top levels of Sky Fortress Bahamut . used to sink (read:utterly disintegrate) Resistance cruisers in one shot . We Are as Mayflies :The Humes ever skew histrys weave. With haste they move through too-short lives. Driven to err by base desires, tward waste and wasting on they run. Undying, we Occuria light the path for wayward sons of man. Will Talk for a Price. Jules of Archades, a street-ear who Balthier states would bite a Gil given him by his own mother, and shave it by half to pay for her funeral. Hes always willing to provide your party with information. for the right price. Jules . Ive a message from Master Balthier. Hes waiting in Central. He says to come quickly. Vaan . On this But we need a. a Chop. What is a Chop, anyway Jules . When a boy wants informationthats right A boy pays. 2500 Gil sound about right. X Meets Y. Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings films got together and made a video game. This is exactly as awesome as it sounds. Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe. Awesomely averted. The semi-Shakespearean dialogue is performed so smoothly and naturally that you stop noticing pretty quickly. When you do notice it, its only because its awesome and memorable. This treatment was also present in Matsunos previous Ivalice work, Vagrant Story . You ALL Look Familiar. Lampshaded . You ALL Share My Story. Played relatively straight. The main characters of the story are Ashe, the Princess who lost her country to invaders. Balthier, AKA Ffamran mied Bunansa, the son of one of the architects of the invasion . Basch, the guy who took the fall for the invasion. Vaan is the Player Character because he has the best perspective of the whole train wreck - a civilian who not only has to live in a conquered country, but lost family to the conquest. Penelo tags along with him to keep him from snapping due to the three blowhards who play their power games, ignoring how normal people suffered in the turmoil. Fran is there to remind them that the world is bigger than humes and their squabbles. You Bastard. Some of the Mark hunts are memorably harsh, particularly the Legendary ones such as the White Chocobo and Black Chocobo, who keel over with a pathetic Kweh. Its enough to make an FF fan die inside. The Behemoth King is tough to even find . the player must slay every monster in the south Feywood within a set time limit. Once the King perishes, its dossier reveals that its a guardian spirit which protects the creatures of the Feywood. Oops.

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